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Last updated August 24, 2024
Historical Archive: Thrones through general 12th century and more closely dated up to about 1130
Representations follow surviving examples.
See also utilitarian chairs and
Cathedra of Maximian, ivory, 546-56, RavArchMus, which has its own page
Throne of Dagobert, bronze; 7th? and 9th c., CdM 65. This work has its own page.
Standard of Ur, lapis lazuli, shell, and red limestone, c. 2600-2400 BCE, BM ME 121201. This work has its own page.
Code of Hammurabi, basalt, 1792-1750 BCE, Louvre, Near Eastern Antiquities, Sb 8. This work has its own page.
Akhenaten, Nefertiti, 3 daughters, limestone, c.1345 BCE, SMB EgMP ÄM 14145, which has its own page
Gemma Augustea, banded agate cameo, 9/10-12 CE, KHM ANSA IXa 79. This work has its own page.
Roma seated with Victory, Roman niccolo agate intaglio c.330 CE, CdM Chab. 2071
Junius Bassus sarcophagus, c.359, marble, Vat Tesoro 31529.3.1-3, which has its own page
Valentinian I, gold 2 solidi, Trier 367-75, reverse: Rome and Constantinople, SMBMünz 18200865
Infancy/Miracle ivory, c.400-435, SMBByz 2719, which has its own page
life of Dionysus, ivory pyxis, 5th c., Bologna pcr 12, which has its own page
pilaster capital: prepared throne with dove and angels, marble, 5th to 6th c., Louvre Ma 3679. For the full object see Louvre.
Christ with SS. Peter and Paul, ivory 5th-6th c., on Schn B98, which has its own page
prepared throne (Etimasia): Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery, c.451-73. This work has its own pages with more modest thrones or chairs.
Prepared throne: Arian Baptistry, Ravenna, late 5th to early 6th c. This work has its own page.
Christ enthroned (scepter 19th c.), south wall mosaic, 6th c., Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. This monument has its own page.
Virgin and Child enthroned between angels, north wall mosaic, 6th c., Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. This monument has its own page.
Annunciation, Ordeal, Flight; ivory, 6th c. eastern Mediterranean (Syria?), Louvre OA 11149. Part of same object as Hermitage Visitation/Annunciation to Anna, for which see Russia.
Hestia tapestry, wool, 6th c., DO BZ.1929.1, which has its own page
Cup of Chosroes. Gold, rock crystal, red and green glass, Sassanian, 531-579. CdM Chab. 2538. This work has its own page.
Cathedra of Maximian, ivory, 546-56, RavArchMus, which has its own page with more backless thrones
Virgin and child ivory, mid 6th c., SMBByz 564/565, which has its own page with companion panel and another throne
Gundohinus Gospels, 754-55, Autun CGM 3, this opening of which has its own page
Dagulf Psalter cover ivories, late 8th c., Louvre. This object has its own page.
Nativity and Adoration of the Magi, ivory pyxis, Trier? late 8th-9th c., KHM X42. This work has its own page.
Harrach diptych, ivory with glass c.800, Schn 1012, which has its own page with chairs or more thrones
Rambona diptych, ivory, late 9th c.-c.900, Vat 62442, which has its own page
Odin, Freya, or sorceress? silver c.900, Lejre
scourging, Pontius Pilate, ivory fr Magdeburg Antependium, Milan c.970, BNM 17/420. For scale see BNM.
Virgin and Child, Mid-Rhineland or Lotharingia c.1000, LMM O,1517. For additional views see Landesmuseum.
prepared throne: Byzantine Last Judgment ivory, 11th c., V&A A.24-1926. This work has its own page.
Satan on throne of serpents: Byzantine Last Judgment ivory, 11th c., V&A A.24-1926. This work has its own page.
gold altar frontal, early 11th c., Aachen cathedral. The altar and cathedral have their own pages.
Adoration of the Magi, Bernward Doors, bronze, Hildesheim 1007-15. This work has its own page with other views.
Hildesheim Madonna, gold/gems on wood core, c.1010-15, HildMus DS82, which has its own page
Herod and Herodias: Bernward Column, Hildesheim, c. 1020, bronze, which has its own page.
backless throne: seal of Emperor Henry III, 10 Oct. 1039, Archiv Uk. 10 in NaumburgCT, which has its own page with more parchment
Creator enthroned on earth: Genesis/Crucifixion ivory, c.1050-75, SMBByz 589, which has its own page with reverse and more thrones
Christ Enthroned ivory fr. St. Aemilian reliquary, 1060-80, DO BZ.1948.12. The reliquary ivories have their own page.
Christ in majesty, walrus or narwhal ivory, late 11th c. Lotharingia, Schn B121
Emperor Galerius Maximianus: Reliquary of SS. Adrian and Natalia, León 12th c., silver on oak, AIC 1943.65. This work has its own page.
Saul (bottom): Sainte Chasse, 12th c. Byzantine ivory, Sens CT 143, which has its own page with more thrones
Alexander casket, Byzantine ivory, prob. 12th c., poss. 6th or 9th c., Darmstadt Kg 54:215a-d, which has its own page
judicial scene, St. Stephen: copper, 12th c.? Vat 61919
Annunciation ivory, early 12th c., SMBByz 2787
portable altar of Henry II of Werl, Roger of Helmarshausen c.1105 or 1120-27, DMP DS2, which has its own page with many thrones
Abdinghof portable altar, 1115-30, DMP PR50, which has its own page with another throne
engaged capital with enthroned king, limestone, c.1125, MAHSD. For contiguous face see Saint Denis Museum.