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Last updated October 21, 2024
Historical Archive: Thrones about 1270 to present
For undifferentiated 13th century see 1130-1270
Representations follow surviving examples.
See also utilitarian chairs and
prior's throne 1304-05 on right, in Chapter House, Canterbury, which has its own page.
marble throne in naos, Dečani monastery church, 1322-31, which has its own pages
archiepiscopal throne, Giovanni Battista del Cervelliera 1536, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with marquetry details
Guido da Siena, Virgin and Child enthroned, 1270s, church of San Domenico, Siena. This work has its own page.
Virgin and Child reliquary, Coppo di Marcovaldo c.1270-80, Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence. This work has its own page.
St. Anna nursing Mary, w. Gregory below, Peter/Paul above: Scapular of Gregory X, silk samite with metallic embroidery, Rome? 1270s, Arezzo MS
altar baldachin fr. Årdal, painted pine 1275-1300, Bergen 131: Crucifixion w. Peter/Paul, Christ enthroned, Virgin and Child w. St. Margaret of Antioch
St. Peter altarpiece, Saint Peter Master or Guido da Siena/Guido di Graziano, 1280s. SPN 15. This work has its own page.
St. Catherine of Alexandria, late 13th c. Rome, fresco from S. Agnese sulla via Nomentana, Vat 40478. For details see Vatican Museums.
14th-c. Coronation of the Virgin, top, Lorsch Torhalle, which has its own page with more paintings
Madonna of the Franciscans, Duccio c.1300, tempera and gold on wood 23.5 x 16 cm, SPN 20
folding stool in the form of a lion throne: seal imprint of King Philippe IV le Bel of France, c.1300, Cl. 22297, Cluny: Louvre OA 6301. For full cords see Cluny.
backless throne: St. George arm reliquary, Prague 1300-25, Prague Castle HS 03343. This work has its own page.
Giovanni Pisano pulpit 1302-10, which has its own page, in Pisa cathedral
Andernach city seal matrix, silver, by 1308, SMBMünz 18239319, which has its own page
frescoes 1309-16, Kloster Wienhausen, which has its own pages
Pietro Lorenzetti? Virgin and Child w. SS Catherine, Agnes, c.1310-15, tempera/panel, Arezzo MS
St Albans cathedral pier painting c.1310-20; St Albans has its own pages.
Deesis mosaic, mostly Vincino di Vanni da Pistoia 1321, int. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages with details
Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux, silver gilt/enamel, 1324-39, Louvre MR 342, which has its own page
gold bulla of Louis IV the Bavarian, 1328, SMBMünz 18239302
Virgin and Child, 1334, Sens cathedral. This object has its own page.
Heavenly Jerusalem: Kloster Wienhausen nuns' choir, painted c.1335, which has its own page
Dečani monastery frescoes (naos), 1335-47, which have their own pages
Christ enthroned, 1337 with overpaint 16/17th c., iconostasis, Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Good and Bad Government 1338-40, Siena, which has its own page
Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1343, Annunciation , SPN inv. 88, which has its own page
backless throne of Valentinian: Life of St. Martin of Tours, embroidered altar frontal, 2nd half of 14th c., MRAH. This work has its own page.
Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page with more thrones
Volkašin/Vukasin Mrjavčevic of Serbia dinar obverse, 1368-71: Christ enthroned, NBM
backless throne: 3 Towers Reliquary, 1370-90, AachenCT. This work has its own page.
backless throne: Vierge Ouvrante, polychromed wood, 1375-1425 (corpus 17th c.), Cluny Cl. 12060, which has its own page.
Yakov Fedosov 1359, Lyudogoshch cross, wood, which has its own page, Novgorod AM
throne of Apocalyptic beast: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages.
Coronation of the Virgin, alabaster with paint and gilding, 15th c. Nottingham, PMA 1962-67-7. For another view see PMA.
King Ahasuerus/Assuerus, oak choir stalls, 1420, Roskilde cathedral, which has its own page
St. Olav triumphant over paganism, oak w. polychromy, altar dossal fr. Austevoll c.1425-50, Bergen MA 284. For other views see Bergen.
St. Andrew with donor and Crucifixion, tempera and oil on wood, Retascon Master, Aragon c.1430, MFAB 99.1
Chapel of Rarogne paintings, 1434-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page with additional views
Parri Spinelli, Madonna of Mercy w. lives SS. Lorentino, Pergentino, tempera/panel 1435-37, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
jewel on wall: Rogier van der Weyden or shop, Annunciation c.1440, Louvre MR 813, which has its own page
Michele Giambono, Virgin and Child c.1440-early 1450s, tempera on linden. MFAB 1029. This work has its own page.
Three Coronations tapestry, Brussels 1446-88, Sens CT. This work has its own page with more examples.
Filippo Lippi, Coronation of the Virgin panel, Marsuppini altarpiece, 1450s, Vat. loan to Arezzo MS. For details see Arezzo Museums.
Holy Kindred reliquary, Hans Greiff, Ingolstadt 1472, silver, silver gilt, paint, gems, pearls, Cluny Cl. 17048. This work has its own page.
Carlo Crivelli, Virgin and Child c.1476, tempera and gold on poplar, MFAB 75. This work has its own page.
Trinity, limestone w. polychrome, late 15th c., SF 53.11. For other views see SF.
Life of Mary polyptych from Hamburg cathedral, Absolon Stumme 1499, MNW Śr. 432. This work has its own page with more examples.
Christ enthroned, sapphire cameo/gold/ruby/emerald/pearl/enamel, Novgorod 16th c., Novgorod AM 3269-78.PEF
Our Lady of the Sign, Deesis, saints: bone/silver gilt/turquoise/glass, 16th c., Novgorod AM
Deesis, Annunciation, saints: bone/silver gilt/base metal, 16th c., Novgorod AM
Albrecht Altdorfer 1509-18, Pilate washing his hands, from altarpiece of St. Sebastian, Abbey of St. Florian
Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp fol. 80v, Iran, mid 1520s-30s, Met 1970.301. This manuscript has its own page.
Judgment of Solomon, stained glass, Dierick Vellert, Netherlandish c.1530, CMA 1968.188
Giovanni Bernardi, Christ before Pilate, obverse, intaglio rock crystal in gold with enamel and gems, c.1547, WAM 41.240. For additional views see Walters.
cast lead reliquary w. SS. James the Greater, Bartholemew, Peter, Simon; poss. Westphalia, 18th c., DMP G1.7. For other views see DMP.
dome mosaic design Jean-Baptiste Bethune 1872 aft. Ciampini 1699, execution Antonio Salviati 1880-81, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
ambulatory mosaics design Hermann Schaper 1889, executed Puhl & Wagner 1896-1902, Aachen cathedral. The cathedral has its own pages.
ambulatory window, Samuel Caldwell Jr. 1919-49, Canterbury cathedral, which has its own glass page.
Joseph Bohland, nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, eastern end remade 1959-60, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages