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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
December 16, 2023

Historical Archive: Roskilde

Cathedral of Saint Luke, Roskilde, Denmark
begun under Bishop Absalon Hvide (reg. 1158-1192) or Peder Sunesen (reg. 1192-1214)
brick on granite ashlar plinth
brick vaulting early 1200s
largely complete by 1275
north tower late 14th century
oak choir stalls made for Bishop Jens Andersen Lodehat, dated 1420 by inscription
Protestant since 1536-38
restored 1630s with new spires and roof, and late 19th c. under Steen Friis

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south side with Chapel of Frederik V, C.F. Harsdorff 1774-1825, reinforced 1970s
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chapter house from south, 13th-early 15th c.
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chapter house from east; outer wall of ambulatory
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east end with Absalon Arch (formerly linking to bishop's palace)
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outer wall of ambulatory and north porch from northeast
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north porch, built under Bishop Oluf Mortensen (1461-85); nave north side
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nave north side
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Chapel of Christian IV from northwest, Lorenz Steenwinckel c.1620, restored 1990s
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mausoleum of King Frederik IX (d.1972) and Queen Ingrid (d.2000), Inger and Johannes Exner, Wilhelm Wohlert, 1985
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from northwest
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Glücksburger Chapel, Andreas Clemmensen 1924
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west façade oblique from below
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west façade and Chapel of the Magi (1460)
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west façade
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nave to east/northeast from gallery
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nave to east
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nave to east from farther east, with pew of King Christian IV, pulpit early 1600s, organ
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south elevation to southeast with organ 15th-16th c., front 1654
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south gallery and arcade to southwest from gallery, with organ
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south gallery to west
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south aisle to west with funerary markers, from gallery
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south aisle and nave to northeast
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north aisle to west
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north nave elevation to northeast from gallery
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north nave elevation to northwest from gallery
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north gallery with pew of Christian IV; aisle with Chapel of St. Andrew; Caspar Finke grille by 1618 to right
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pew of King Christian IV c.1600
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sanctuary from gallery, to northeast
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chancel to east; altarpiece Antwerp 1560
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chancel behind high altar from gallery, with monuments of Duke Christopher (d. 1363), Queen Louise (d.1721), Queen Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Kassel (d.1714)
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chancel behind high altar from gallery
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Queen Margrete I (d. 1412), alabaster effigy Johannes Junge 1423; side figures restored 1862-1962
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Queen Margrete I, profile
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Duke Christopher (d. 1363), alabaster with glass, re-assembled 1878
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Duke Christopher
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south choir stalls, Old Testament reliefs at top
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Abraham and Isaac, with surround
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Abraham and Isaac
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Jews under Judas Maccabeus battle the Syrians; Eleazar dies killing war elephant (I Maccabees 6)
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battle between Jews and Syrians, with surround
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Daniel in the Lions' den fed by Habakkuk (Dan. 14); Jonah vomited up
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Job children killed, Job on dungheap (Job 1)
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Esther 1, 5: Ahasuerus/Assuerus receiving Esther; Queen Vashti replaced
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Judith and Holofernes
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Ascent of Elias (IV Kings 2: 11-13); Elias revives the son of the widow of Sarepta (III Kings 17:21-22)
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apse vault
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ambulatory pier, column
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entry to Absalon Arch