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Last updated August 20, 2024
Historical Archive: Roman Ceramics and Mortar
Datable objects follow those designated only "Roman period".
box flue tile with stags and dogs, ceramic, poss. from Ashstead Villa (Eng.), Roman period, BM 1973,0403.72
box flue tile with stags and dogs, ceramic, poss. from Ashstead Villa (Eng.), Roman period, BM 1973,0403.72
box flue tile with stags and dogs, ceramic, poss. from Ashstead Villa (Eng.), Roman period, BM 1973,0403.72
vessel in the form of a dog, ceramic, western provincial Roman, MFAB
vessel in the form of a dog, ceramic, western provincial Roman, MFAB
vessel in the form of a ram, ceramic, western provincial Roman, MFAB
spindle whorls, ceramic, Roman period, Chelles
tile with cat or dog paw prints, Musée Carnavalet Paris
man in boat and fish from Antioch of Pisidia, ceramic, Roman (poss. Christian), KM 0000.09.3898
Roman stamp, prob. for ceramic, Malton; for stamping face see Malton
incantation bowl from Seleucia (Iraq), ceramic and paint, 3rd c. BCE-3rd c. CE or 6th-7th c. CE, KM 0000.03.3756
incantation bowl with Aramaic inscription to protect the woman Ngray from illness and curses, from Seleucia (Iraq), ceramic and paint, 3rd c. BCE-3rd c. CE or 4th-7th c. CE, KM 0000.01.9504
incantation bowl from Seleucia (Iraq), ceramic and paint, 3rd c. BCE-3rd c. CE or 4th-7th c. CE, KM 0000.01.9503
telamon (Atlas), terracotta, 1st c. BCE, fr. Panigai e Monastero, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
molds for counterfeit coins, 2nd to 3rd c., Musée de Normandie de Caen
lamp with mask of a face, ceramic, mid 2nd to early 4th c. Cologne, KM 0000.00.1698
mold of an infant's face, mortar, from a 3rd c. sarcophagus, Paris, Musée Carnavalet Paris AP 75
mold of an infant's face: modern plaster impression, Musée Carnavalet Paris
vessel imitating glass, wheel-cut ceramic, 3rd to 4th c. Speyer, HMP
lamp with peacock, ceramic, 4th c. Hippo Regius (Algeria), KM 0000.00.0202
ceramic lamp with menorah from Cyrenaica, Libya, 4th-5th c., Penn L-2002-1.1
ampulla in the form of a fish, ceramic, late 5th c. Luxor, Pushkin