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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
May 11, 2023

Historical Archive: Reims
Tau: Palais du Tau
MSR: Musée Saint-Remi

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dolphins/vase capital, marble, Reims, early 5th c., Reims MSR 978.28697
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necklace w. pendant of Roman coins, Chaumuzy 6th c., Reims MSR
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buckle, bone, 6th c., Reims MSR
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animal interlace roundels fr. sword, bronze, 7th c., Reims MSR
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Talisman de Charlemagne, gold, sapphire, other gems; 9th c., Tau. This work has its own page.
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Carolingian chancel screen, Reims 9th c., triangular fragment, Reims MSR
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Carolingian chancel screen, Reims 9th c., long fragment, Reims MSR
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Carolingian chancel screen, Reims 9th c., wide fragment, Reims MSR
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Cushion of St. Rémi, silk and gold embroidery, Alpheid c.852; on 10th c. silk, Musée Saint-Rémi, Reims. This work has its own page.
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chalice of Archbishop Gervais, gold, mid 11th c., Tau
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chalice of Archbishop Gervais, left side (as displayed)
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paten of Archbishop Gervais, silver/gold, mid 11th c., Tau
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Coronation chalice, gold/enamel/gems, c.1175-1200, which has its own page, Tau
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Saint-Rémi, Reims, west façade, late 12th c.
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Saint-Rémi west façade and north transept, north side
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Saint-Rémi west façade, south portals
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Saint-Rémi north transept fr. west
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man playing fife and tambourine from House of the Musicians, limestone?, 13th c., Musée Saint-Rémi, Reims. These 5 figures have their own page.
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man playing bagpipe (chevrette) from House of the Musicians, limestone?, 13th c., Musée Saint-Rémi, Reims. These 5 figures have their own page.
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central figure from House of the Musicians, limestone?, 13th c., Musée Saint-Rémi, Reims. These 5 figures have their own page.
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man playing harp from House of the Musicians, limestone?, 13th c., Musée Saint-Rémi, Reims. These 5 figures have their own page.
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man playing rebec from House of the Musicians, limestone?, 13th c., Musée Saint-Rémi, Reims. These 5 figures have their own page.
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bear combat, tympanum fr. 13th c. house Rue Gambetta, Reims, Reims MSR
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bear combat: man and bear
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bear combat, oblique
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Upper chapel, Palais du Tau, 1215-35; cross, candlesticks 1810
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Upper chapel, Palais du Tau, north side
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destruction of Sodom pavement tile, limestone/lead, 14th c., fr. St. Nicaise, Reims MSR 978.28594
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destruction of Sodom pavement tile, lead in stone grooves
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St. Anthony, 15th c. Champagne, Reims MSR
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St. Anthony, bust, oblique
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St. Andrew, copper gilt, c.1400-50, Tau
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Samson killing the lion, wood, late 15th c. console fr. Maison de l'enfant d'or, Place des Marchés, Reims, Reims MSR
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Nef of St. Ursula, carnelian/gold/silver gilt/copper/enamel 1500, Tau, which has its own page
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St. Barbara, school of Troyes, early 16th c., Reims MSR
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St. Barbara, school of Troyes, oblique fr. left
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St. Catherine, limestone, school of Troyes, c.1500-25, Reims MSR D.978.31013
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St. Catherine, school of Troyes, torso
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St. Genevieve, limestone, school of Troyes, c.1500-25, Reims MSR D.978.31016
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St. Genevieve, school of Troyes, oblique fr. left
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St. Genevieve, school of Troyes, devil blowing out candle
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St. Genevieve, school of Troyes, bellows
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St. Mary of Egypt w. loaves of bread, limestone, c.1500-25 Champagne, Reims MSR D.978.31015
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Assumption of the Virgin, copper gilt, 17th c., Tau