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Last updated February 8, 2024
Historical Archive: Reading/Writing Desks, Lecterns, Pens/Styli, Ink wells
Representations follow surviving examples.
Elk antler, c. 1000, liturgical book rest? HildMus DS32. For other views see HildMus.
bone stylus, 11th-15th c. Novgorod, Novgorod AM
Eagle and dragon lectern, copper alloy, c.1220-30, HildMus D1984-2, which has its own page
limestone deacon lectern, mid 13th c., Naumburg cathedral east choir, which has its own page with details
eagle and prey lectern, Nicola Pisano pulpit 1260, Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
eagle lectern, Giovanni Pisano pulpit 1302-10, which has its own page, in Pisa cathedral
brass lectern, choir screen, and alabaster and marble pulpit from Gilbert Scott renovation 1872-76, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages
Altneuschul, Prague, prayer hall chairs and desks 1880s. This work has its own pages.
Dagulf Psalter cover ivories, late 8th c., Louvre. This object has its own page.
Harrach diptych, ivory with glass c.800, Schn 1012, which has its own page with more examples
evangelists ivory, Liège or Cologne c.1030, MAAB
evangelists ivory, Liège or Cologne c.1030, MAAB
evangelists ivory, Liège or Cologne c.1030, MAAB
evangelists ivory, Liège or Cologne c.1030, MAAB
Stavelot altar, gilt bronze with enamel and rock crystal, c.1150-60, MRAH 1590. This work has its own page.
Stavelot altar, gilt bronze with enamel and rock crystal, c.1150-60, MRAH 1590. This work has its own page.
nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, 1200-50, which has its own page, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
naming of John the Baptist (heavily restored), mosaic c.1240-1310, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages.
stylus or pen, knife, scissors, ink well and pen(?), money bag. Biccherna with a friar of the Humiliati, Siena 1296, MFAB 3. MFAB biccherne have their own page.
ink well: naming of John the Baptist, bottom right: Giovanni Pisano pulpit 1302-10, which has its own page, in Pisa cathedral
top, Orcagna altarpiece 1357, Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, which has its own page
Arca di Sant' Agostino, 1362-aft. 1409, San Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia. This work has its own page.
naming of John the Baptist: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages with more writers.
Matthew: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 paintings: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages.
Mark: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages.
John: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 paintings: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages.
Annunciation, alabaster with paint and gilding, 15th c. Nottingham, PMA 1945-25-107
St. Thomas Aquinas at Prayer (predella panel from a polyptych), tempera on poplar wood, Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni), c.1423-26, MFAB 32. This work has its own page.
Annunciation, woodcut/paper, Oberrhein c.1430-40, WienMus
ceramic mold with Annunciation, c.1430/40, LMM 26/106
right edge: Rogier van der Weyden, St. Luke drawing the Virgin, oil transferred to canvas c.1435-40s, Hermitage ГЭ-419. For view with person for scale see Hermitage.
Life of Mary polyptych from Hamburg cathedral, Absolon Stumme 1499, MNW Śr. 432. This work has its own page.
Annunciation and Arma Christi, wood rosary bead, south Low Countries, early 16th c., Cluny: Louvre OA347. For full chain see Louvre.
Cross fr. Red Field Monastery, wood, c.1500-50, which has its own page, Novgorod AM
stylus used as weapon: Death of St. Cassian, ceramic 1784, Imola
1930s restoration of Luke, Ambo of Henry II, 1002-1014, Aachen cathedral. The ambo has its own page with another desk.