location in cathedral interior, which has its own page
full, Magi side
full, Presentation side, with people for scale
full, Presentation/Massacre side, modern stairs in back
Annunciation, Visitation, birth and naming of John the Baptist
Nativity and Shepherds with framing elements
Nativity: Shepherds
Nativity: dogs, sheep, goat; part of Tree of Jesse
Christ trampling lion, dragon, asp, and basilisk, with Tree of Jesse
Adoration of the Magi; inscription
Magi: arrival
Magi: adoration
Magi: dream
Magi: attendants and pack animals
Magi: Black attendant
Presentation in the Temple, on left/behind: people with candles; Flight into Egypt; slightly oblique from left
Presentation and Flight, with framing elements, inscription; on left 19th-c. prophet
Presentation and Flight, frontal
Presentation, center
Flight into Egypt
Massacre of the Innocents
Massacre: Herod
Massacre: soldiers, mothers, and children
eagle lectern
Betrayal, Mocking, Scourging
prophet between Scourging and Crucifixion
Crucifixion, center with Ecclesia and Synagoga
Last Judgment: the Saved
Saved, upper left from lower right
Saved, oblique from right
Saved, with flash, through stairs
Last Judgment: the Damned
Damned: Satan
inscription; sibyl, prophets, central capital
console, prophet, sibyl
Hercules/Fortitude with lion and cubs, profile from left. Adult lion 1926.
Hercules/Fortitude, frontal
Hercules/Fortitude, oblique from right
Hercules/Fortitude, profile from right
Hercules/Fortitude, center, profile from right
pedestal of Ecclesia: Fortitude with lion, eagle
pedestal of Ecclesia: Fortitude and Prudence
pedestal of Ecclesia: eagle, Prudence
pedestal of Ecclesia: Justice, eagle, Temperance
St. Michael; in background Christ as judge, profile
Christ as judge. Seraph at top 1926.
pedestal of Christ: Matthew and symbol, with Nello di Falcone, administrator of cathedral works
pedestal of Christ: Luke
pedestal of Christ: Mark and John and symbols, with poss. Giovanni Pisano
Theological Virtues
Theological Virtues, capital
pedestal of Theological Virtues: Liberal Arts Philosophy, Grammar, Dialectic
lion with horse, profile
lion with horse, frontal
lion with calf