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Cosmetic containers
Miniature sculpture
Copyright © 2011 Genevra Kornbluth. Please see my policies on image usage.
Last updated April 25, 2021
Historical Archive: Perfume and Cosmetics Containers
cosmetic box lid: lion attacking sheep or goat, shell and lapis lazuli, Ur c.2550-2450 BCE, Penn B16744A
cosmetic spoon, ivory/ebony/paint, New Kingdom c.1388-1351 BCE, Pushkin
cosmetic spoon, oblique from above
cosmetic spoon, lidded portion
black-figure Corinthian aryballos from Chaeronea: birds, c. 600 BCE, KM 0000.02.9175
black-figure Corinthian aryballos from Chaeronea: birds, c. 600 BCE, KM 0000.02.9175
Roman amphora, crystal, BM 1923/4.1/1195
Roman vessel in the form of a dried sea urchin, crystal, 1st c., AS 30891nn
Roman vessel in the form of a dried sea urchin, crystal, 1st c., AS 30891nn
6 Roman small crystal vessels from a grave assemblage, 1st c., Arezzo
Roman crystal vessel from a grave assemblage, 1st c., Arezzo
miniature free-blown glass jar with applied decoration, 5th c. Egypt, KM 1968.02.0068
Rock crystal bottle, 9th-c. Fatimid Egypt, in later western mount, BM 1894,0517.1
rock crystal flask, Fatimid Egypt 909-1171, in Weddeghe Velstede, silver gilt reliquary monstrance 1433, AIC 1962.91. This work has its own page.
glass spearhead flask, Syria? 11th-12th c., KM 1968.02.0152
thistle flower flagon, horn/glass, René Lalique 1898-1900, KGM 1900.6020
Volupté compact: silver, mirror, fabric, and cosmetic powder, probably early 20th c., p.c.
Volupté compact: silver, mirror, fabric, and cosmetic powder, probably early 20th c., p.c.
Volupté compact: silver, mirror, fabric, and cosmetic powder, probably early 20th c., p.c.
Volupté compact: silver, mirror, fabric, and cosmetic powder, probably early 20th c., p.c.
perfume bottle, glass and openwork silver, probably 20th c., p.c.
perfume bottle, glass and openwork silver, probably 20th c., p.c.
perfume bottle, glass and openwork silver, probably 20th c., p.c.