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Copyright © 2011 Genevra Kornbluth. Please see my policies on image usage.
Last updated November 12, 2023
Historical Archive: People other than rulers, ecclesiastics, saints, and personifications
up to 1st century CE and 'Roman period'
pregnant woman: "Venus of Kostenki", limestone, 23000-22000 BCE, Hermitage. For frontal view see Hermitage.
human head, sandstone, Mesolithic 7th-6th millennium BCE, area Lepenski Vir, Serbia, SMB MVFg IVa 2033
Jericho plastered skull with cowrie shell eyes, Neolithic, Ashmolean. This work has its own page.
orant holding vase, alabaster, late Uruk c.3300 BCE, Louvre Sb 71. For additional views see Louvre.
woman giving birth (baby's head at base), lapis lazuli with shell eyes and copper carrying wire, Bactrian (Iran, SE. Kerman province, Tepe Giyan III, IV, 3rd millennium BCE ?), Louvre AO 31921
hunter, left: petroglyphs from Lake Onega, granite, 3rd-2nd millennium BCE, Hermitage, which have their own page
prisoner, Egyptian sandstone door socket, Hierakonpolis c.2900 BCE, Penn E3959
Standard of Ur, lapis lazuli, shell, and red limestone, c. 2600-2400 BCE, BM ME 121201. This work has its own page.
attendant with drinker: harp inlay, shell and lapis, Ur c.2550-2450 BCE, Penn 30-12-484. For full object see Penn.
tribute bearers: Ur-Ningirsu (son of Gudea), gypsiferous alabaster, c.2110 BCE, Tello (Girsu), Louvre AO 9504 and Met (head). This work has its own page.
head of figure holding spears from Chernovaya Burial Mound VIII, Okunev Culture, 1st half of 2nd millennium BCE, Hermitage
hunter: cylinder seal, ANE 1500-1300 BCE in 1970s mount, p.c., which has its own page
cosmetic spoon, ivory/ebony/paint, New Kingdom c.1388-1351 BCE, Pushkin. For other views see Pushkin.
woman, ceramic/polychromy, late Dynasty 19, c. 1250-1186 BCE, SF 2000.132. For other views see SF.
terracotta sarcophagus from Beth Shean, c.1200-1150 BCE, Penn 29-103-789/791, which has its own page
tin rider, 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM
man with chain, 6th-5th c. BCE, Kazbeksky hoard, MSHM
seated figure, ceramic, early 6th c. BCE Greece, SF 1925.389. For frontal view see SF.
dancers: Etruscan terracotta oinochoe, Chiusi c.550-500 BCE, AIC on loan from Field Museum no. 1104, cat. no. 96600. This work has its own page.
serving boy: Exekias, black-figure amphora with Ajax and Achilles, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
warrior, bronze, 5th c. BCE Umbria, ANAM. For other views see ANAM.
Late Archaic male votary with wreath from the Cypriot Temple at Golgoi, c.500-480 BCE, IMA 28.35. For profile see Kelsey.
warrior: "Mars of Todi", Etruscan bronze votive figure, late 5th c. BCE, Vat 13886. This work has its own page.
Temple Boy from Phaneromeni (Cyprus), ceramic, c.325-50 BCE, KM 0000.02.9124. For frontal view see Kelsey.
female ring-dancer, ceramic, 3rd c. BCE Cyprus (Chytroi or Soli?), KM 0000.02.9120. For oblique view see Kelsey.
miniature female head, ceramic, Cyprus c.250 BCE, KM 0000.02.9127. For profile see Kelsey.
companion to Kadmos, Etruscan cinerary urn, alabaster, 2nd c. BCE, KHM I 1040a. For other views see KHM.
Etruscan cinerary urn cover, alabaster, 2nd c. BCE?, KHM. For another view see KHM.
woman bathing at a fountain and column, agate intaglio, 2nd-1st c. BCE Italic, on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The cross has its own page.
child riding pig, Greek ceramic rattle, 1st c. BCE, Penn L-29-130, loan from PMA 29-6-134. For oblique view see Penn.
Young boy, Hellenistic, 1st c. BCE(?), bronze and silver, AIC 125.2012. For other views see AIC.
pregnant woman on a birthing stool, ceramic, Egypt 1st c. BCE/CE, BM 1992/8-11/1. For another view see BM.
Old man, c.60 BCE, Munich Glyptothek. For additional views see Munich Glyptothek.
man, stalactite limestone, mid 1st c. BCE, ANAM. For frontal view see ANAM.
mold-blown glass beaker with standing figures, 1st to 4th c., Hermitage
barbarians, soldiers: Gemma Augustea, banded agate cameo, 9/10-12 CE, KHM ANSA IXa 79. This work has its own page.
portrait of a youth, Greek island marble, Roman c.14-38 CE (Julio-Claudian), IMA 59.45. For profile view see IMA.
soldier: Vonatorix grave stone from Bonn, 50/60 CE, RLM. For full object and other details see RLM.
Julia Victorina funerary altar from Rome, 75-100 CE, Louvre
soldier trampling an enemy, early imperial grave stone, Musée Carnavalet Paris
Reaper with bird, carnelian intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26123, Bonner 122
Reaper, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 115
Rider trampling another figure, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26140. For reverse see Kelsey.
painter: painted sarcophagus from Crimea, late 1st/early 2nd c., Hermitage П.1899-81, which has its own page with more ordinary people
blacksmith shop from area of Beligna, late 1st-early 2nd century, limestone, ANAM. For detail see ANAM.
Roman die in the form of a crouching nude woman, from Sidon, bronze, BM 1924/5-20/2. For additional views see British Museum.
barbarian figures from Szöny (Roman Brigetio), HNM. For another view see HNM.
Roman sailors (rotated to vertical), ext. Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
boy with pan pipe, Roman? rock crystal intaglio, Detroit Institute of Arts
gold glass from Szalkszentmárton, HNM
gold glass from Dunaszekcsö, HNM
man in boat and fish from Antioch of Pisidia, ceramic, Roman (poss. Christian), KM 0000.09.3898