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Last updated August 13, 2023
Historical Archive: Crosses and isolated Corpora, c.1150 to present
See also Crucifixion in Christianity, Judaism iconographic index; and for large stone crosses, Insular Stone Sculpture.
pendant cross, bronze/enamel, 10th-13th c., Novgorod AM
cross encolpion, copper alloy?: Crucifixion, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
cross encolpion, copper alloy?: Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
cross encolpion with hinged fitting, copper alloy?: Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
cross encolpion, copper alloy?: engraved Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
pendant cross, non-ferrous metal, 11th-14th c., Novgorod AM
cross, non-ferrous metal, 11th-15th c., Novgorod AM
Virgin and Child, encolpion cross, non-ferrous metal, 12th c., Novgorod AM
ivory cross, c.1150-60, Cloisters 63.12, which has its own page.
Gunhild cross, walrus ivory, c.1150-75, NMD 9087, which has its own page
Typological cross, copper with enamel, silver, and rock crystal on wood core, Mosan 1150-1200, MRAH 2293. This work has its own page.
Naumburg crucifix, 1160-70, which has its own page in crypt
cross from Scheldewindeke, rock crystal and enamel, Mosan c.1170-1200, MRAH 3669. This work has its own page.
Spitzer Cross, enamel, French c.1190, CMA 1923.1051. For details see CMA.
marble roadside cross, Arezzo area late 12th-early 13th c., Arezzo MS. For oblique view see Arezzo Museums.
corpus from a cross, Limoges enamel, c.1200, Schn G68
processional cross fr. Willebadessen, bronze gilt, c.1210, DMP BG030, which has its own page
Reliquary cross, silver gilt and gems on wood core, Hugo de Walcourt c.1230, MRAH 3214. This work has its own page.
wooden cross from Borre, Vestfold, c.1275-1300, OHM C6130. For detail see OHM.
Reliquary cross "of Charlemagne"; gold, niello, enamel, sapphire, ruby, pearl, wood; early 14th c., Sens CT TC.D'5
processional cross with holder: rock crystal, silver, enamel, copper gilt; c.1350, cross Spain, enamel poss. Germany, PMA 1949-40-4. For details see PMA.
Crucifix from Corpus Christi church, Wrocław, painted and gilded limewood, c.1350, MNW Śr. 5. This work has its own page.
Yakov Fedosov 1359, Lyudogoshch cross, wood, which has its own page, Novgorod AM
1380s limestone cross of Archbishop Alexis (left), Novgorod Cathedral, which has its own interior page
Crucified Christ, walnut wood, Cologne, c.1380-1390, CMA 1981.52. For other views see CMA.
reliquary cross, gold/enamel/?garnet, 15th c., MoL 94.240
Standing cross, 15th-16th c., Freiburg im Breisgau, Augustinermuseum K13/D. For Carolingian crystal see Frieburg.
Lorenzo Monaco, Crucifix (croce dipinta), panel painting c.1420. MFAB. This work has its own page.
Neri di Bicci, 2-sided processional cross, tempera and gold on wood, Italy c.1475, UMMA 1942.6. This work has its own page.
crucifix, gold/enamel/emerald/sapphire, Novgorod 16th c., Novgorod AM
Cross fr. Red Field Monastery, wood, c.1500-50, which has its own page, Novgorod AM
Processional cross, attributed to Jos. Som of Ueberlingen (1506-63), Freiburg im Breisgau, Münster treasury. For Carolingian crystal see Frieburg.
Crucifixion, Gaspar Núñez Delgado 1599; ivory, ebony, mahogany, silver, and polychrome, IMA 1995.24. For other views see IMA.
pectoral cross, gold/enamel, 17th c. Russia, MSHM
standing cross, boxwood with pearls and glass, Greece c.1650-1800, UMMA 1961/1.177. This work has its own page.
Crucifixion, Juan Carreño de Miranda 1658, oil on wood, IMA 2009.377
Crucifixion, Juan Carreño de Miranda 1658, oil on wood, inscription: gift to King Philip IV of Spain, IMA 2009.377
Crucifix, tin-glazed earthenware, De Twee Scheepjes 1707-27 Delft, PMA 1921-3-171,a
Crucifix, tin-glazed earthenware, De Twee Scheepjes 1707-27 Delft, PMA 1921-3-171,a
undated ring; cross of the order of St. John, 19th c.? SMB
cross, candlesticks 1810: Upper chapel, Palais du Tau, Reims