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Last updated January 16, 2024
Historical Archive: Classical Mythology, Furies to Medea
This page is alphabetical, not chronological.
Furies: Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page
Ganymede: mythological sarcophagus front, marble, Pécs-Aranyhegy (Hungary) mid 2nd c., HNM 62.85.1. For Ganymede see Jupiter.
Genius: winged genius, silver, Etruscan c.200-150 BCE, poss. from Chiusi, MFAB
Genius: Medici cameo: emperor with genius, sacrificing poss. to Hope, 1st-3rd c., sardonyx cameo in gilded metal, Florence MA 14443. This work has its own page.
Genius: Guelph Cross; gold, silver gilt, gems, pearls, enamel, and niello on wood core; Milan bef. 1045 or central/south Italy, early 12th c; KGM W1. This work has its own page
Geryon: Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page
giants: Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, Nardo di Cione 1354-57, which has its own page
Gorgon, Roman crystal intaglio, Met 81.6.119. Gorgons have their own page.
Gryphon, griffin: Merovingian fibula probably from Lens, Collection Guy Ladrière, Paris. Gryphons have their own page.
Harpocrates, porphyry, 2nd c. Carthage, KM 0000.00.7023. For another view see Kelsey.
Harpy, steel, Qajar Iran 18th-19th c., BM 1928,1006.2. Harpies have their own page.
Hector's body ransomed, marble sarcophagus lid, late 2nd-early 3rd c., KM 1979.03.0001. For detail see Kelsey.
Hekate? Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
Hephaestus, right: birth of Athena, Etrusco-Italic bronze mirror back fr. Arezzo, 330-310 BCE, Bologna IT 1073. For full work see Bologna.
Hercules and Achelous, intaglio rock crystal in gold with enamel, obverse, Annibale Fontana, c.1560-1570, WAM 41.71. Hercules/Herakles has his own page.
hermaphrodite, marble, Hellenistic? 2nd c. BCE? Penn MS5970, which has its own page
Hestia Polyolbus, wool tapestry, 6th c., DO BZ.1929.1, which has its own page
Hippocamp and eel, Roman ivory disk game piece, reverse numbered XV and Iε, CdM Froehner 238. Hippocamps have their own page.
*Hippolytos or Kastor (right): Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
Phaedra and *Hippolytos or Aphrodite and Ares: Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
Asclepius and *Hygeia ivory, 5th c., Liverpool museum
Asclepius and *Hygeia, late 5th c., VHM, loan from Sion CT. This work has its own page.
Hygeia: Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
Iphigenia's escape from Tauris: mythological sarcophagus end, marble, Pécs-Aranyhegy (Hungary) mid 2nd c., HNM 62.84.2
Iphigenia (center): Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
Iphigenia, Orestes, and Pylades in Tauris or Ulysses and Diomedes seizing Palladion, prob. c.1500-50, sardonyx cameo in 16th-c. gold and enamel mount, Florence MA 14468
Janus, bottom: Chartres west portals 1140s-c.1150. For more views see Chartres.
Emperor Claudius as *Jupiter, agate cameo 41-54 CE; frame Italy, late 16th c.:gold, pearls, enamel. AIC 1991.375. For profile see AIC. Jupiter has his own page.
Kadmos and dragon, Etruscan cinerary urn, alabaster, 2nd c. BCE, KHM I 1040a. For other views see KHM.
Kastor: Exekias, black-figure amphora from Vulci, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
*Kastor or Hippolytos (right): Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page.
Lapiths: Parthenon South Metope XXXI, marble, 447-432 BCE, BM 1816,0610.15. For Lapiths, see Centaurs.
Polydeukes, *Leda, horse Kyllaros: Exekias, black-figure amphora from Vulci, c.540-30 BCE, Vat 16757. This work has its own page.
Leda and the Swan, agate cameo, 1st c. BCE Alexandria, in later gold mount, Hermitage ГP-12692. For Leda with swan see Jupiter.
Luna: Crucifixion obverse, crystal intaglio, c.825-50, BM 67.7-5.14. The Sun and Moon have their own page.
maenads: Veroli Casket, ivory and bone, mid to late 10th c., V&A 216-1865. This work has its own page. For maenads see Dionysos.
Mars, niccolo agate intaglio, 2nd to 3rd c., on Merovingian quatrefoil fibula from Kobern, RLM 3068. Mars has his own page.
Medea and her children from a funerary monument, Adony (Hungary) late 2nd-early 3rd c., HNM 62.114.1
Medea and her children from a funerary monument, Dunapentele (Hungary) 3rd c., HNM 16.1906.6