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Last updated November 2, 2023
Historical Archive: Censers, aspergilla
Representations follow surviving examples.
censer with crosses, birds, and columnms, bronze, 6th/7th-c. Egypt, UMMA 1960/1.4
censer with crosses, birds, and columnms, bronze, 6th/7th-c. Egypt, UMMA 1960/1.4
hexagonal censer: Sion treasure, c.550-75, silver, which has its own page
Symeon the Elder or Symeon the Younger, 5th-6th c. Syria, basalt, SMBByz 9/63, which has its own page
deacon with censer: Justinian and retinue, apse wall mosaic, Ravenna, Church of San Vitale, 527-48. This work has its own interior and exterior pages.
Harrach diptych, ivory with glass c.800, Schn 1012, which has its own page
liturgical scenes, ivory, c.870-75? Louvre MR 368, MR 369. This work has its own page.
aspergillum or palm, torch: Rambona diptych, ivory, late 9th c.-c.900, Vat 62442, which has its own page
Maries at the Sepulchre ivory, 1st half of 10th c., V&A 380-1871
Maries at the Sepulchre, ivory, St. Gall or north Italy, 10th c., MAAB. For full panel and Crucifixion top see MAAB.
Dormition of the Virgin, ivory, late 10th-c. Constantinople, DO BZ.1937.5
Dormition ivory, late 10th c. Constantinople, Schn B101
Dormition of the Virgin, ivory, 11th c., Hermitage
Book cover, gold/ivory/gems/enamel, metalwork c.1020, AachenCT. The cover has its own page.
Frøslev reliquary, copper/enamel, c.1100-50, NMD D751, which has its own page
portable altar of Henry II of Werl, Roger of Helmarshausen c.1105 or 1120-27, DMP DS2, which has its own page
Chartres cathedral, Notre Dame de la Belle-Verrière, center part poss. 1140-60 or c.1180. For more views see Chartres.
ivory cross, c.1150-60, Cloisters 63.12, which has its own page.
Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page with more censers.
aspergillum in situla: cross from Scheldewindeke, rock crystal and enamel, Mosan c.1170-1200, MRAH 3669. This work has its own page.
Dormition, Pisa Cathedral doors, bronze, Bonannus of Pisa c.1180. This work has its own page.
priest with aspergillum and situla: Thomas Becket reliquary, Limoges c.1180-90, V&A M.66-1997. This work has its own page.
censer: Thomas Becket reliquary, Limoges c.1180-90
shrine of St. Elizabeth, sandstone? 13th c., Marburg Elizabethkirche. For full work see Marburg.
Chartres cathedral, south transept windows 1221-30. For more censers on these windows, and more views, see Chartres.
Chartres cathedral, north transept windows 1234-35. For more censers on these windows, and more views, see Chartres.
annunciation to Zachariah (heavily restored), mosaic c.1240-1310, Baptistery of St. John, Florence. This work has its own pages.
Naumburg cathedral west choir windows, c.1245-60, which have their own page
Naumburg cathedral west choir screen c.1250, which has its own page
altar baldachin fr. Årdal, painted pine 1275-1300, Bergen 131: Crucifixion w. Peter/Paul, Christ enthroned, Virgin and Child w. St. Margaret of Antioch
censer, aspergillum: Nedstryn altar frontal, painted pine 1300-25, Bergen MA 1, which has its own page
top, swung by spandrel angels: St Albans cathedral pier painting c.1310-20; St Albans has its own pages.
upper left: Kloster Wienhausen nuns' choir, painted c.1335, which has its own page
censing angel: Life of St. Martin of Tours, embroidered altar frontal, 2nd half of 14th c., MRAH. This work has its own page.
censing angels: Parri Spinelli, Madonna of Mercy w. lives SS. Lorentino, Pergentino, tempera/panel 1435-37, Arezzo MS, which has its own page
Annunciation to Zachariah: Sens cathedral north transept windows, Jean Hympe the elder and the younger and Tassin Gassot, c.1515-19. This work has its own page.