from west
from west, full height
from east, gritstone font (13th c.?) with Eric Gill 1921 oak canopy
chancel from west
chancel arch north pier
chancel arch north pier capitals with voussoirs
chancel arch north pier capitals: centaur facing large wyvern, with small wyvern behind; entwined beasts; Baptism
chancel arch north pier capitals: large wyvern facing centaur; entwined beasts; Baptism
chancel arch north pier capitals: entwined beasts, Baptism capital northwest (tendrils from mask, angel, boar [Behemoth?])
Baptism capital, north face. Not available in high resolution.
Baptism capital (King David? to right), north and west faces
chancel 14th-c. window and south pier
chancel arch south pier capitals: Deposition; entwined beasts; lion facing knight
Deposition capital, east (boar, mask, lion?) and south faces
Deposition capital, south face (to right sun or moon?)
chancel arch south pier: Deposition capital west face (mask, wyvern? quadruped); entwined beasts
chancel arch south pier capital: lion, mounted knight
full chancel arch from west
lowest arch: chevrons
chancel arch north pier capitals, voussoirs 1-4
chancel arch, voussoirs 7-12
chancel arch, voussoirs 11-16; 14 with fish, 15 hare
chancel arch, voussoirs 15-19; 18 with stringed instrument
chancel arch, voussoirs 19-23
chancel arch, voussoirs 24-27; 25 Pisces
chancel arch, voussoirs 28-31
chancel arch, voussoirs 32-35
chancel arch, voussoirs 33-37; 37 with plaited beard