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Copyright © 2011 Genevra Kornbluth. Please see my policies on image usage.
Last updated June 21, 2018
Historical Archive: University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor
Crossbow fibula, gilt bronze, c.450-500 Belgium or NE France, UMMA 1966/2.17
Crossbow fibula, gilt bronze, c.450-500 Belgium or NE France, UMMA 1966/2.17
censer with crosses, birds, and columnms, bronze, 6th/7th-c. Egypt, UMMA 1960/1.4
censer with crosses, birds, and columnms, bronze, 6th/7th-c. Egypt, UMMA 1960/1.4
Standing Buddha in Abhaya-vara mudra, gilt bronze, late 7th-early 8th c. Korea, UMMA 1961/2.80. This work has its own page.
Faucet with peacock spigot and lion-headed spout (poss. fr. fountain), bronze, 12th-c. Iran, UMMA 1959/1.114
Lamb of God, mid-12th c. Savigny, limestone, UMMA on loan from DO LTL 85.49
Lamb of God, mid-12th c. Savigny, limestone, UMMA on loan from DO LTL 85.49
Lamb of God, mid-12th c. Savigny, limestone, UMMA on loan from DO LTL 85.49
ivory game piece, Hercules and the Erymanthian boar?, Cologne c.1150, UMMA 1987/1.262
ivory game piece, Hercules and the Erymanthian boar?, angled view of obverse, Cologne c.1150, UMMA 1987/1.262
ivory game piece, Hercules and the Erymanthian boar?, view from left, Cologne c.1150, UMMA 1987/1.262
Cheetah in foliage, Ilkhanid (1256-1353) molded fritware tile, Kashan (Iran), UMMA 1957/1.73
Seraph, west rose of Reims Cathedral 1280-1310 (upper leaves another source), UMMA 1979/1.161
Passion of Christ, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
Entry into Jerusalem and Entombment, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
Crucifixion and Resurrection, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
Passion of Christ, reverse, France c.1350-1400, ivory, loan to UMMA from Met 1917,17.190.200
St. Christopher carrying Christ child, alabaster with polychrome and gilding, 15th-c. England , UMMA 1961/1.178
St. Christopher carrying Christ child from right, alabaster with polychrome and gilding, 15th-c. England , UMMA 1961/1.178
St. Christopher carrying Christ child: Christ, alabaster with polychrome and gilding, 15th-c. England , UMMA 1961/1.178
Ceiling boss with dragons, wood with polychrome, England c.1430, prob. from Church of St. Andrews, Cullompton, UMMA 1968/2.46
Ceiling boss with dragons, wood with polychrome, England c.1430, prob. from Church of St. Andrews, Cullompton, UMMA 1968/2.46
Ceiling boss with dragons, wood with polychrome, England c.1430, prob. from Church of St. Andrews, Cullompton, UMMA 1968/2.46
Betrayal of Christ, alabaster with polychrome and gilding, England c.1450-1500, loan to UMMA from Met 1948,48.175.1. This work has its own page.
Andrea Guacioloti, Pope Nicholas V in the ship Eclesia, cast bronze 1455, UMMA 1984/1.283
Neri di Bicci, 2-sided processional cross, tempera and gold on wood, Italy c.1475, UMMA 1942.6. This work has its own page.
SS. Jerome and Gregory, shop of Jörg Syrlin the younger, lindenwood and polychrome, Ulm c.1500, UMMA 1958/1.59. This work has its own page.
Good Thief (Dysmas) from a Crucifixion, walnut, School of Kalkar (Germany) c.1520, UMMA 1976/1.233. This work has its own page.
Defendente Ferrari, Temptation of Eve c.1520-25, tempera on panel, UMMA 1967/1.38. This work has its own page.
Jean de Court (Vigier), enamel, Baking Bread: Labor for December, 1540-60, UMMA 1977/1.168
standing cross, boxwood with pearls and glass, Greece c.1650-1800, UMMA 1961/1.177. This work has its own page.
Engraved musket powder horn, cow, ox, or buffalo horn, 18th c. US, UMMA 2007/1.101. This work has its own page.
St. Jerome, porcelain, Anspach c.1760-70, UMMA 1974/1.90. This work has its own page.
Mantel clock with priestess and Cupid sacrificing to Venus, Joseph Buzot c.1780, gilded bronze, ebony, porcelain, and glass, UMMA 2001/2.82. This work has its own page.
Thomas Couture, Baron Paul Pérignon c.1850, oil on canvas, UMMA 1965/2.66
Frederick Sandys 1860, Portrait of a Lady, prob. Anne Simms Reeve, oil on panel, UMMA 1987/1.158
Frederick Sandys 1860, Portrait of a Lady: oleander leaves, oil on panel, UMMA 1987/1.158
Lawrence Alma-Tadema 1866, Vespasian hearing of the taking of Jerusalem, oil on panel in original frame, UMMA 2004/2.143. This work has its own page.
Louis Comfort Tiffany, Henry O. Havemeyer House, New York, front doors (exterior), wood, copper, and iridescent Favrile glass 1890-91, UMMA 1986.146.3A,B. Parts from this building have their own page.
Louis Comfort Tiffany, iridescent Favrile glass Persian rosewater sprinkler c.1896-1900, UMMA 1972/2.223
Louis Comfort Tiffany, iridescent Favrile glass Persian rosewater sprinkler c.1896-1900, UMMA 1972/2.223
Louis Comfort Tiffany, iridescent Favrile glass Persian rosewater sprinkler c.1896-1900, UMMA 1972/2.223
Frank Lloyd Wright, windows from Darwin Martin house, Buffalo NY, 1904; glass, lead, and oak, UMMA 1968/2.52-53
Frank Lloyd Wright, windows from Darwin Martin house, Buffalo NY, 1904; glass, lead, and oak, UMMA 1968/2.52-53
Louis Comfort Tiffany, leaded glass and wood windows with grapes c.1905-10, p.c. on loan to UMMA
Louis Comfort Tiffany, leaded glass and wood windows with grapes c.1905-10, p.c. on loan to UMMA
Louis Comfort Tiffany, leaded glass and wood windows with grapes c.1905-10, p.c. on loan to UMMA
René Lalique, glass ashtray with rabbit c.1919-30, UMMA 1972/2.229
René Lalique, glass ashtray with rabbit c.1919-30, UMMA 1972/2.229
Henry Moore, Figure 1932, lignum vitae with wood base, front, UMMA 1953/1.27. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Henry Moore, Figure 1932, from left side. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Henry Moore, Figure 1932, front detail from right. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Henry Moore, Stringed Reclining Figure 1939, bronze with string and wood base, UMMA 1968/1.198. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Henry Moore, Stringed Reclining Figure 1939, oblique/back view with Figure 1932. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Henry Moore, Stringed Reclining Figure 1939, front detail with strings. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Henry Moore, Stringed Reclining Figure 1939, head. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
François-Emile Décorchemont, glass vase 1904-71, UMMA 1972/2.228. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
François-Emile Décorchemont, glass vase 1904-71, UMMA 1972/2.228. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Man Ray, What We All Lack 1962; blown glass, clay, and wood, UMMA 1997/1.129. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Man Ray, What We All Lack 1962; blown glass, clay, and wood, UMMA 1997/1.129. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Man Ray, What We All Lack 1962; blown glass, clay, and wood, UMMA 1997/1.129. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Chang Ku-nien (1906–1987), Lone Rooster Summons the Spring, 1981, ink and color on paper, UMMA 2006/1.112. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Conrad Atkinson, NEAnderthal, mixed media 1989, UMMA 2004/2.106. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Kim Yikyung (Korean, b.1935), duck shaped vessel 2004, stoneware with iron oxide painting over white slip, UMMA 2010/2.30. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Kim Yikyung (Korean, b.1935), duck shaped vessel 2004, stoneware with iron oxide painting over white slip, UMMA 2010/2.30. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Kim Yikyung (Korean, b.1935), duck shaped vessel 2004, stoneware with iron oxide painting over white slip, UMMA 2010/2.30. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.
Kim Yikyung (Korean, b.1935), duck shaped vessel 2004, stoneware with iron oxide painting over white slip, UMMA 2010/2.30. Art object copyright: artist/heirs.