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Last updated May 27, 2021
Historical Archive: Textiles, Cloth, Clothing (including leather clothing)
textile, Pre-Columbian Paracas culture 7th-3rd c. BCE, Imola
swan fr. Pazyryk barrow 5, reindeer wool felt, Pazyryk culture 5th-4th c. BCE, Hermitage 1687-260
leather bikini from London, c.43-100 CE, MoL 21233
Earth personification, linen and wool tapestry, 4th c., Pushkin ET no. 11440
Nile River personification, linen and wool tapestry stitched to linen, 4th c., Pushkin GMII, I 1a no. 5822
Artemis, Apollo, hero, satyrs, and Maenads on a woman’s tunic, linen and wool, 4th-5th c. Akhmim, Pushkin 5832
sacrifice of a captive funeral cushion, linen and wool loop textile with inset, 5th-6th c., Pushkin 5180
Hestia tapestry, wool, 6th c., DO BZ.1929.1, which has its own page
silk, Eastern Mediterranean? 6th-7th c., Sens CT
buffalo, silk, near east (Byzantine?), 6th-7th c., Sens CT B 38
tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707
tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707
lion, medallion tunic inset, linen and wool, 7th c. Akhmim, Pushkin 5177
caftan, linen/silk samit, 7th-9th c., Met 1996.78.1, prob. fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
leggings, silk with linen feet, 7th-9th c., Met 1996.78.2a, b, prob. fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
Tunic of Balthild, linen and silk, c.680, Chelles. This object has its own page.
tablet-woven band with animals, found in the reliquary of Balthild (d. c.680), Chelles. For wider view see Chelles.
Assumption of the Virgin, linen, 8th c., Sens CT. This work has its own page.
man's headdress in helmet form, 8th c. silk/linen/wood/leather, Hermitage КЗ-4576, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
cape, 8th-9th c. silk/flax/linen, Hermitage K3-6707, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
Baptism of Christ fragment, linen and tempera, 8th to 11th c., Pushkin DB11257
tunic of Abbess Bertille (d. c.704), silk, Chelles
Portable reliquary, prob. late 8th c., Sens CT F.63.70. This object has its own page.
English embroidery on silk from Oseberg ship, late 8th-early 9th c., OsloVSM, which has its own pages
caftan, silk/fur, 9th c., Hermitage КЗ-6584, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page with details
textile, Pre-Columbian Chancay culture, 9th-10th c., Imola
pheasants, Byzantine silk, early 9th c., Hermitage КЗ-6618, fr. Moshchevaya Balka, which has its own page
Oseberg tapestry, c.834, OsloVSM, which has its own pages with more contemporary textiles
Cushion of St. Rémi, silk and gold embroidery, Alpheid c.852; on 10th c. silk. This work has its own page.
gold embroidery on silk core, from Gokstad burial dated 895-903, C10459, OsloVSM, which has its own pages
textile, Pre-Columbian Chancay culture, Late Intermediate Period c.1000-1476, Imola
peacock silk, Middle East (?), c.1100, Hildesheim museum D2009-4c and 1
silk lampas, Persia, c.1150-1200, WienMus
liturgical vestments said to have been worn by Thomas Becket; embroidery in silk and gold, mid 12th-13th c., Sens CT C.107-111. These objects have their own page.
"Shroud of St. Potentien", silk, 12th c. Islamic, Sens CT. This work has its own page.
purse, silk, reversed lion fabric Sicily 13th c., Sens CT
linen with silk embroidery (formerly a purse), 13th c., Sens CT
purse, silk embroidered on linen, France 13th c., Sens CT
4-panel purse, knitted silk and gold, prob. 13th c., Sens CT
Woven silk purse with strap, Spain 13th-14th c., length 12.2 cm, Sion CT purse 258. For closer view see Sion.
purse, silk, edge strips 14th c., fabric Byzantine, Sens CT
Knit silk purse, western or southern Europe, 14th c., length 23 cm, Sion CT purse 269
Knit silk purse, western or southern Europe, 14th c., length 20.5 cm, Sion CT purse 270
Knit silk purse, western or southern Europe, 14th c., length 31.5 cm, Sion CT purse 271
Knit silk purse, western or southern Europe, 14th c., length 20.6 cm, Sion CT purse 272
Epitaphios of King Stefan Uroš II Milutin, gold and silver embroidery on silk, Serbia c.1300, MSOC 4660, which has its own page.
Tristan embroidery, wool on linen, c.1300-25, WIEN Ha 1, WienMus, which has its own page
pulpit hanging, linen and silk embroidery on linen, Wienhausen 1325-75, WIEN Hb 3. For details see WienMus.
Life of St. Martin of Tours, embroidered altar frontal, 2nd half of 14th c., MRAH. This work has its own page.
undated purse, Italian silk, Sens CT
Efimiya encomium to St. Lazar, gold and silver embroidery on silk, Serbia 1402, MSOC
Major Sakkos of Photius, Byzantine 1408-31, Armory TK-4, which has its own page
canopy from the throne of Charles VII of France, wool and silk, attrib. Jacob de Littemont, c.1425-50, Louvre OA 12281. For detail see Louvre museum.
Three Coronations tapestry, Brussels 1446-88, Sens CT. This work has its own page.
belt prob for Dominican monk/nun, wool and ivory, late 15th-c. north France or Flanders, Cluny Cl.11982. For ends see Cluny.
herald's tabard, linen, early 16th c. Germany, Hermitage T-15339
musical automaton in the form of a male saint, court of Charles V (J. Turriano?), Madrid 1570-80, MAAB. For detail see MAAB.
dog collar, velvet and gilt brass, 17th c. Saxony, IHZS for Johann Herzog zu Sachsen, PMA 1977-167-1053
palla, silk/gold, late 17th c., WienMus
Abbess Julie de Jésus, wax and cloth, 18th c. Carmelite abbey of Saint-Denis, MAHSD. For detail see MAHSD.
Altneuschul, Prague, prayer hall: banner design from 1716. This work has its own pages.
Christ child with closing eyes, wax and cloth, 1773 gift to Louise de France from her sister Victoire, MAHSD. For another view see MAHSD.
Leo Childs 1994 design, embroidered by Cathedral Broderers, frontal and retable panels, eastern transept, Durham Cathedral, which has its own pages with details