Strozzi and Gaddi Chapels
Strozzi Chapel from the east
entry arch and vault from the east
entry arch with SS. Augustine, Jerome, Gregory the Great, Ambrose
entry arch, SS. Gregory the Great and Ambrose
St. Gregory the Great
St. Ambrose
entry arch, south side: St. Peter Martyr
entry arch, north side: St. Dominic
entry arch, north side: St. Dominic, detail
vault: Thomas Aquinas four times with virtues
upper west wall: Christ in judgment with angels
upper south, west, and north walls
chapel interior with altar from the east
west wall: Last Judgment and altar
west wall: Last Judgment
Altarpiece: Christ with SS. Michael (and demon), Catherine, Mary, Thomas Aquinas, angels, Peter, John the Baptist, Lawrence, Paul
Altarpiece: angels with portable organ and bagpipe
Altarpiece predella panels: Thomas Aquinas at Mass, Peter walking on water, Emperor Henry II saved by donation of chalice
south wall: Paradise, joining with west wall: Blessed in Last Judgment
south and west walls, with person for scale
south wall: Paradise, full width
Paradise: enthroned Christ and Mary/Ecclesia/Sponsa
Paradise: angles, saints including Francis
Paradise: angel musicians (thrones), left with viella, right with psaltery; background formerly blue
entry arch and north wall: Hell
north wall: Hell
joining of west and north walls
north wall, vestibule to Hell: the indecisive; Charon; castle of Limbo
Hell, top: Minos, the lustful; middle strip: profligate and avaricious ecclesiastics rolling giant boulders
Hell, top left: the lustful; center left: ecclesiastics with Plutus; lower center left: Furies at the city of Dis
Hell, center: Cerberus with gluttons
Hell, top: gluttons at table; center: wrathful and slothful in the river Styx, Phlegyas in boat
Hell: harpies with suicides enclosed in trees
Hell, top: heretics in burning sarcophagi; below: murderers and marauders including tyrants in burning river Phlegethon guarded by armed centaurs
Hell, top: heretics in burning sarcophagi; center: Geryon with usurers and blasphemers in rain of fire
Hell: three-headed Satan devours Brutus, Judas, Cassius; left: pimps and seducers
Hell, left: flatterers; right: fortune tellers and diviners with their heads on backwards
Hell: fraudulent counselors in flames
Hell, upper left: practitioners of graft in boiling pitch with demons; center: thieves
Hell, left: simoniacs upside down in baptismal fonts; right: sowers of discord
Hell: frozen lake Cocytus with giants, punishment of traitors
lower south wall
medallion, lower south wall
lower south wall, figure with flame: St. Jude Thaddeus?