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February 7, 2024

Historical Archive: Saints Edmund to James the Greater

This page is alphabetical, not chronological.

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St. Edmund, King of East Anglia: St. Oswald reliquary, c.1185-89, HildMus DS23, which has its own page
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St. Eligius (Eloi) signature: Clovis II charter of 654, papyrus, AN K2 no3, which has its own page
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St. Eligius (Eloi) hammering at an anvil, horse, pilgrim giving a trindle (coiled candle), late 13th c., lead alloy, MoL 87.14/2
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Saint Elizabeth, mother of John: Visitation and Annunciation to Anna, ivory panels from a diptych, Syria 6th c., Hermitage. Elizabeth has her own page.
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Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, enamel on gilt copper, Sienna c.1310, Louvre OA 2011
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shrine of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, sandstone? 13th c., Marburg Elizabethkirche (in situ). For full work see Marburg.
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St. Elizabeth of Hungary, right: oak altarpiece 1500-25, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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Holy Kindred with *Emerentia (mother of Anna, Emerentia Selbviert) from Badersleben, polychromed wood, Thuringia or Saxony c.1510, loan from St. Peter and Paul, Badersleben, DMP SK71. For other views see DMP.
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SS. *Emerentian(a) and Daria, mosaic, early 6th c., Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. This monument has its own page.
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St. Epiphanius (left): font, copper alloy c.1226, Hildesheim Cathedral. This work has its own page.
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SS. Eulalia, Agnes, Agatha, Pelagia, and *Eufimia (Euphemia), mosaic, early 6th c., Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. This monument has its own page.
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SS. *Eugenia, Savina, and Cristina, mosaic, early 6th c., Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. This monument has its own page.
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SS. Valeria, Crispina, Lucia, Cecilia, and *Eulalia of Mérida, mosaic, early 6th c., Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. This monument has its own page.
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St. Eustache window, c.1207-15, Sens cathedral, which has its own interior page with another view.
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life St. Eustace c.1480, Canterbury cathedral, which has its own interior page with another view.
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St. Eustaphius of Lithuania (center half figure): Major Sakkos of Photius, Byzantine 1408-31, Armory TK-4, which has its own page
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top left, narthex: SS. *Eutropius, Callinicus, Basiliscus, Dečani monastery frescoes, 1335-47, which have their own pages
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St. Eventius: Head Reliquary of Pope Alexander; silver gilt with enamel and gems over wood core, c.1145, MRAH 1031. This work has its own page.
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Abuna *Ewostatewos (center left): Ethiopian double diptych pendant, late 17th c., StLouis 12:2016, which has its own page
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St. Eystein (Augustine), walrus ivory crozier, Norway, late 14th c., V&A A.1-2002. This work has its own page. Augustine has his own page.
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Saint Faith reliquary (Majesté de Sainte Foi), 9th c. and later, Conques, abbey treasury
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Saint Faustinus on horseback from Porta della Pile, mid 13th c., Brescia Museum of Santa Giulia. For other views see Brescia.
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SS. Anastasia, Justina, *Felicitas, Perpetua, and Vincentia, mosaic, early 6th c., Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna. This monument has its own page.
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St. Felix: Abdinghof portable altar, 1115-30, DMP PR50, which has its own page with more Felix imagery
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St. Flavian, right: Rambona diptych, ivory, late 9th c.-c.900, Vat 62442, which has its own page
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Saint Florian, linden wood, Austria c.1475-1500, Cluny Cl.16803. For another view see Cluny.
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SS. *Florus and Laurus (bottom): Yakov Fedosov 1359, Lyudogoshch cross, wood, which has its own page
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Pope John IV, St. Venantius *Fortunatus: Lateran Baptistery, Rome, Chapel of St. Vanantius, 640-49. This chapel has its own interior page.
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Saint Francis receiving stigmata, Jan van Eyck 1430-32, oil on vellum on panel, PMA cat. 314. Francis has his own page.
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St. Gabra Manfas Qeddus (left): Ethiopian double diptych pendant, late 17th c., StLouis 12:2016, which has its own page
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SS. Maurus, Septimus, Antiochianus, *Gaianus: Lateran Baptistery, Rome, Chapel of St. Vanantius, 640-49. This chapel has its own interior page.
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St. Genevieve, limestone, school of Troyes, c.1500-25, Reims MSR D.978.31016. Genevieve has her own page.
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St. George and the dragon, marble, Michel Colombe 1509-10, Louvre MR 1645. This work has its own page. George has his own page.
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St. Gerasimus: Yakov Fedosov 1359, Lyudogoshch cross, wood, which has its own page
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coronation of SS. *Gereon and Victor, ivory c.1000, on Schn B98, which has its own page with details
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St. Gertrude: St. Francis preaching to birds, prayer book c.1230-40, Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, which has its own page
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Saint Gervasius, presbytery arch mosaic, Ravenna, Church of San Vitale, 527-48. This work has its own interior and exterior pages.
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St. Giles (in white): Giovanni di Paolo 1460-65, Last Judgment, SPN inv. 172, which has its own page
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Mass of St. Giles, oil on panel c.1500, LNGA, which has its own page with companion panel, Giles with deer
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SS Boris and *Gleb (lower left), 1547-51, Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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St. Godehard (center left): font, copper alloy c.1226, Hildesheim Cathedral. This work has its own page with another angle.
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Mass of St. Gregory, early 16th c., tempera on pine, Portillo Master (active Palencia 1460-1506), MFAB 85.7. Gregory has his own page with another view.
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St. Gregory Dialogos, left: Major Sakkos of Photius, Byzantine 1408-31, Armory TK-4, which has its own page
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bottom right, narthex: St. Gregory the Theologian (of Nazianzus): Dečani monastery frescoes, 1335-47, which have their own pages
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St. Hedwig of Silesia with John the Baptist, Annunciation: Polyptych fr. church St. Elizabeth Wrocław, tempera on wood, c.1480, MNW Śr. 124. This work has its own page.
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St. Helena: Byzantine triptych, late 11th-early 12th c., on Stavelot Triptych, Morgan AZ001, which has its own page. Helena has her own page.
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St. Henry (Emperor Henry II, d.1024): Basel antependium, gold and gems on wood, early 11th c., Cluny Cl. 2350. This work has its own page.
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King Henry VI (Henry of Windsor, as saint?) with orb and scepter, antelope at feet, late 15th-early 16th c., lead alloy, MoL 97.22. For two more badges see MoL.
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St. Hilary of Poitiers baptizing and ordaining St. Martin, embroidered altar frontal, 2nd half of 14th c., MRAH. This work has its own page.
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Holy *Innocents (children killed in the Massacre of the Innocents): Giovanni di Paolo 1460-65, Last Judgment, SPN inv. 172, which has its own page with many Innocents
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St. James the Greater, Spain 13th c., limestone with traces paint, MFAB 50.26. This work has its own page. James the Greater has his own page.