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November 3, 2024

Historical Archive: Saint Peter

See also Footwashing and Betrayal.

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poss. Peter baptizing jailers, arrest or flight of Peter, center top: Jonah sarcophagus, c.250-early 4th c., marble, Vat 31448, which has its own page
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arrest of St. Peter; Peter drawing water from a rock in his jail cell: sarcophagus from Cahors, marble, 4th c., Hermitage Ѡ-1209, which has its own page
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Paul/Peter inscription: gold-glass bowl, western Roman empire prob. 4th c., SMBByz 6186
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Paul and Peter: gold-glass bowl, western Roman empire prob. 4th c., SMBByz 6185
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Peter and Paul, gold-glass c.350-400, BNM G2020
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arrest of Peter, Traditio Legis, top register: Junius Bassus sarcophagus, c.359, marble, Vat Tesoro 31529.3.1-3, which has its own page
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Passion/tree sarcophagus: Cain and Abel, *arrest of Peter, triumphant cross, arrest of Paul, Job; marble, Rome c.360, Vat 28591. For details see Vatican Museums.
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Christ Giving the Law (Traditio Legis): Sarcophagus from under St Peter's, Rome, marble, c.390-400, Louvre MR 688, 753, 806. This object has its own page.
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Denial of Peter (with Haemorrhoissa), 2 blind men: columnar sarcophagus, marble, late 4th c., Leiden Pb 35. For other views see Leiden.
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Peter's Denial and Repentance, and Arrest of Christ, ivory, 5th c. Italy (Ravenna?), Louvre OA 3860
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Christ with SS. Peter and Paul, ivory 5th-6th c., on Schn B98, which has its own page
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Thomas, Paul, *Peter, Andrew: Ravenna, Orthodox baptistery, c.451-73. This work has its own pages with stucco Traditio Legis.
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Peter and Paul: Ravenna, Arian Baptistry, late 5th to early 6th c. This work has its own page.
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Peter, Apostles with cross and Christ Emmanuel, banded agate intaglio, 6th c., Krakow (formerly Vienna). This object has its own page.
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ivory (left edge restored), Gaul or Italy 6th-7th c., MRAH 3148. This work has its own page.
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St. Peter, presbytery arch, Ravenna, Church of San Vitale, 527-48. This work has its own interior and exterior pages.
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Christ enthroned ivory, mid 6th c., SMBByz 564/565, which has its own page with companion panel
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Sion treasure, c.550-75, silver, which has its own page
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Peter (O Petros) and cross, Byzantine inscription on Roman Caracalla (211-17) amethyst intaglio, BN Chab. 2101
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Harrach diptych back, ivory, 7th-8th c., Schn 1012, which has its own page
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Mary, Peter, John the Baptist: Lateran Baptistery, Rome, Chapel of St. Vanantius, 640-49. This chapel has its own interior page.
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reliquary, silver and copper gilt with glass on wood core, 8th century(?), Cluny Cl. 13968. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child between SS Peter and Paul, Enger reliquary, late 8th c., KGM. This object has its own page.
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Beresford Hope reliquary cross: Mary, SS Peter (left), Andrew, John the Baptist, and Paul, enamel, gold, and silver gilt, 9th c., Italy?, V&A 265&A-1886. For other views see V&A.
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Christ pointing to child, ivory fr Magdeburg Antependium, Milan c.968, Louvre OA 11372
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Christ in Majesty panel, walrus ivory, 11th c., North Elmham, CMAA Z.32386
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top left: Byzantine Last Judgment ivory, 11th c., V&A A.24-1926. This work has its own page.
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Reliquary icon: frame silver gilt on wood, Constantinople 11th/12th c.; Nativity ivory, Venice?, 12th/13th c.; conversion to reliquary with horn 14th/15th-c. Germany. Louvre OA 11399. This work has its own page.
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Byzantine pectoral cross, right: silver, 11th-13th c., MRAH ACO.76.1.1
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cross encolpion, copper alloy?: engraved Virgin and Child, Kiev c.1000-1250, MSHM
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Calling of Peter and Andrew: Bernward Column, Hildesheim, c. 1020, bronze, which has its own page.
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Christ walking on water, saving Peter: Bernward Column, Hildesheim, c. 1020, bronze, which has its own page.
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right: Virgin and Child, encolpion cross, non-ferrous metal, 12th c., Novgorod AM
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right: portable altar of Henry II of Werl, Roger of Helmarshausen c.1105 or 1120-27, DMP DS2, which has its own page
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Peter performing baptism: Abdinghof portable altar, 1115-30, DMP PR50, which has its own page with another Peter
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engaged capital with 2 martyrs and (?)allegory, limestone, c.1125, MAHSD. For contiguous faces see the Saint-Denis museum page.
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Ivory situla, 2nd quarter of 12th c. Rhineland, mounted in silver and gems as reliquary, 14th c., MRAH 2. For setting see MRAH.
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Head/bust reliquary, c.1150, St. Peter? VHM. This work has its own page.
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crucifixion of St. Peter: Stavelot altar, gilt bronze with enamel and rock crystal, c.1150-60, MRAH 1590. This work has its own page.
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Traditio Legis: Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page.
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Betrayal, Christ or Peter in prison?: Novgorod cathedral doors, bronze, prob. 1152-54. The doors have their own page.
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third from left: stucco choir screen c.1193, St. Michael's, Hildesheim, which has its own pages
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St. Peter on Edward the Confessor ampulla from Westminster Abbey, 13th c., lead, MoL 81.475
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bottom: portal sculpture early 13th c., Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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Virgin and Child with SS Paul, Peter, John the Evangelist, and Andrew, c.1265-75, Madonna del Voto Master (Dietisalvi di Speme?), SPN 6. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child reliquary, Coppo di Marcovaldo c.1270-80, Santa Maria Maggiore, Florence. This work has its own page.
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St. Anna nursing Mary, w. Gregory below, *Peter/Paul above: Scapular of Gregory X, silk samite with metallic embroidery, Rome? 1270s, Arezzo MS
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altar baldachin fr. Årdal, painted pine 1275-1300, Bergen 131: Crucifixion w. Peter/Paul, Christ enthroned, Virgin and Child w. St. Margaret of Antioch
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St. Peter altarpiece, Saint Peter Master or Guido da Siena/Guido di Graziano, 1280s. SPN 15. This work has its own page.
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Virgin and Child with SS Augustine, Paul, Peter and Dominic, Duccio workshop, c.1300-05, SPN 28. This work has its own page.
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Life of Peter (naos): Dečani monastery frescoes, 1335-47, which have their own pages
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left: ciborium monstrance, silver gilt/rock crystal/enamel, c.1350-75, DMP PR109, which has its own page
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Orcagna altarpiece 1357, Cappella Strozzi di Mantova, Florence, which has its own page with predella: walking on water
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denial of Peter: Baptistery, cathedral of Padua, 1376 frescoes: Giusto de' Menabuoi. This work has its own pages.
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second from left, iconostasis tallest icons, late 14th c. : Moscow Annunciation Cathedral, which has its own page
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denial upper right, cock left: Man of Sorrows w. instruments Passion, Niccolo di Pietro Gerini c.1405-06, tempera/panel fr Santissima Annunziata, Florence: Arezzo MS
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*Peter, Andrew, James the Greater, John the Evangelist, Thomas, 1434-37, Sion, Valère basilica, which has its own interior page
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Christ; St. Maurice, *St. Peter, Pope Boniface IX: tin pilgrim sign, Magdeburg c.1450, WienMus
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door with St. Peter, c.1460-70, Pedro Garcia de Benabarre, oil on wood, MFAB 97.6b. This and the companion door have their own page.
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Peter far left: Cross fr. Red Field Monastery, wood, c.1500-50, which has its own page
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Canon Arnold Freitag (d.1546), sandstone, upper panel, HildMus G25
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left: cast lead reliquary, poss. Westphalia, 18th c., DMP G1.7. For other views see DMP.