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Last updated October 21, 2024
Historical Archive: Rock Crystal through 4th century
quartz stone, not glass
bead with thunderbolt, rock crystal, Tiritaka/Charax (north Black Sea area, c.4th c. BCE-3rd c. CE), Pushkin KB33 no.546. For another view see Pushkin.
Medusa, Roman crystal intaglio, Met 81.6.119
Medusa, Roman crystal intaglio, Met 81.6.119
Roman knucklebone, rock crystal, SMB AS 30219.711. For other views see Berlin.
satyr with pan pipes, Roman crystal intaglio, Rouen Musée des Antiquités 761
Roman monolithic crystal ring, cameo woman's face, RLM
Roman monolithic crystal ring, intaglio leaf, RLM
Roman fish pierced for suspension, rock crystal, BM Walters 3972
Roman scallop shells pierced for suspension, rock crystal, BM
Roman 2-handled beaker, crystal, RGM V337
Roman amphora, crystal, BM 1923/4.1/1195
Roman ring, rock crystal/emerald, BM 1917,0501.859
crows, Roman rock crystal intaglio in silver mount, CdM Chab. 1991
boy with pan pipe, Roman? rock crystal intaglio, Detroit Institute of Arts
Roman glass and rock crystal vessels, crystal cicada, ANAM. For other views of cicada see ANAM.
rock crystal ?trophy: undated Roman cameos on composite by Luigi Valadier 1785, Louvre MR 46, which has its own page
vessel in the form of a dried sea urchin, crystal, 1st c., AS 30891nn
vessel in the form of a dried sea urchin, crystal, 1st c., AS 30891nn
Roman rock crystal objects from a grave near Arezzo, 1st c. CE, Arezzo. This assemblage has its own page with images of individual objects.
crystal ring w. silver mask, 1st-2nd c., HNM R.10.1951.154, which has its own page
rock crystal icosahedron, 1st-2nd c. or Merovingian, BM 1923,0401.1184. For another view see BM.
Lion striding right, crystal intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26050, Bonner 237
2nd-3rd c. magical inscription on an earlier crystal ball, MFAB 50.1315. This object has its own page.
cylinder seal, probably Sassanian (3rd-7th c.), crystal, Leiden A 1952/1.2
cylinder seal, probably Sassanian (3rd-7th c.), crystal, Leiden A 1952/1.2
cylinder seal, probably Sassanian (3rd-7th c.), crystal, Leiden A 1952/1.2
shell pendant, rock crystal with silver, from a young girl's burial of c.300 CE, Gundelsheim, WLM
shell pendant, rock crystal with silver, from a young girl's burial of c.300 CE, Gundelsheim, WLM
shell pendant, rock crystal with silver, from a young girl's burial of c.300 CE, Gundelsheim, WLM
shell pendant, rock crystal with silver, from a young girl's burial of c.300 CE, Gundelsheim, WLM
sphere from Årslev grave c.300, crystal, Copenhagen, National Museum 8572
sphere from Årslev grave c.300, crystal, Copenhagen, National Museum 8572
rock crystal ring, early 4th c., DO BZ.1963.6, which has its own page
rock crystal fish, 4th-5th c., Louvre OA 9297