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Last updated March 1, 2021
Historical Archive: Medusa, Gorgon
Etruscan terracotta oinochoe: dancers and gorgons, Chiusi c.550-500 BCE, AIC on loan from Field Museum no. 1104, cat. no. 96600. This work has its own page.
Gonzaga cameo, agate: 2 rulers, 3rd c. BCE or 1st c. BCE/CE, Hermitage ГP-19076, which has its own page
Medusa, 1st c. BCE/CE, red jasper intaglio, Florence MA Migliarini 1745
Medusa, 1st c. BCE/CE, modern impression, Florence MA Migliarini 1745
armor with Gorgon: Victory carrying a trophy from Apollonia (Epirus), Greece, marble, late 1st c. BCE, Louvre Ma 1432. For reverse see Louvre.
Medusa, Roman crystal intaglio, Met 81.6.119
Medusa, Roman crystal intaglio, Met 81.6.119
Medusa, silver, 1st to 4th c. eastern provincial Roman, MFAB
armor with Gorgon: Gemma Augustea, banded agate cameo, 9/10-12 CE, KHM ANSA IXa 79. This work has its own page.
Medusa killed by Perseus: mythological sarcophagus end, marble, Pécs-Aranyhegy (Hungary) mid 2nd c., HNM 62.84.1
Lead sarcophagus, 2nd/3rd c., prob. E Mediterranean, DO BZ.1941.2. This work has its own page.
lead sarcophagus from Tyre, 3rd c., Penn B10280/82/83/84, which has its own page
Medusa, jet, late 3rd c., KHM XI 1309, which has its own page
poss. Gorgon, prob. roaming womb with 7 serpents (uterine amulet), 'seal of St. Servatius', jasper intaglio, 10th-12th c. Byzantine, Maastricht, Sint Servaas treasury
'seal of St. Servatius', jasper intaglio, 10th-12th c. Byzantine, Maastricht, Sint Servaas treasury
Medusa, oak and iron, 1691, Lille Hospice Comtesse ML 35
Gorgon brooch, gold/opal/nephrite/jasper/emerald/pearl, Wilhelm Lucas von Cranach, Berlin 1902, KGM LG 147
Gorgon brooch, center