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October 21, 2024

Historical Archive: Hunting, Falconing, and Fishing including with nets

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hunting, left: petroglyphs from Lake Onega, granite, 3rd-2nd millennium BCE, Hermitage, which have their own page
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hunting: cylinder seal, ANE 1500-1300 BCE in 1970s mount, p.c., which has its own page
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hunting: "Thracian Horseman" funerary relief, marble, 2nd-3rd c. Macedonia, MFAB 50.962
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fishing: Jonah sarcophagus, c.250-early 4th c., marble, Vat 31448, which has its own page
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hunting with net: pastoral sarcophagus with lid from Via Prenestina (Christian?), painted and gilt, late 3rd/early 4th c., Vat 31485 (ex 150). This work has its own page.
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hunt, Italy? c.350-400, bronze/silver/copper, Louvre Br 3448/MND 889. For details see Louvre.
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fishing: tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707
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fishing: tunic with fishers on insets, linen and wool, 6th-8th c., Pushkin 6707
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fishing: Stephansbursa, gold repoussé reliefs, early 9th c., Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum Schatzkammer. This object has its own page.
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hunting birds: Stephansbursa, gold repoussé reliefs, early 9th c., Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum Schatzkammer. This object has its own page.
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fishing with net: Calling of Peter and Andrew, Bernward Column, Hildesheim, c. 1020, bronze, which has its own page.
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archer hunting bird: ivory reliquary cross, England prob. mid-11th c., V&A A.6-1966. This work has its own page.
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disk with falconer, silver/gilt, 12th-13th c. Volga Bulgar, Morgan 2012.2:92
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right top (May): Chartres west façade center 1140s-c.1150. For more views see Chartres.
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lion hunt: Pisa baptistery 1152-70, at Pisa cathedral, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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falconer lower left: Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahid and Hajib Mas'ud ibn Ahmad: Bobrinsky bucket, bronze with silver and copper, Afghanistan, 1163, Hermitage IR-2268. This work has its own page.
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hunter with dog and bull, top right: west façade completed by 1180, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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boar hunt and falconing, top: Mina'i ware beaker with Shahnama story, Iran late 12th c., Freer F1928.2. This work has its own page.
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fishing, top: portal sculpture early 13th c., Pisa baptistery, which has its own page, in cathedral complex
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falconing: mirror-back with courtly couple, ivory, 2nd quarter of 14th c. Paris, Louvre. Not available at higher resolution.
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hunting bear: Muhammad ibn al-Zayn, Baptistère de Saint Louis, Egypt or Syria c.1330-40, Louvre LP16. This work has its own page.
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hunting dragon: Muhammad ibn al-Zayn, Baptistère de Saint Louis, Egypt or Syria c.1330-40, Louvre LP16. This work has its own page.
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hunting lion: Muhammad ibn al-Zayn, Baptistère de Saint Louis, Egypt or Syria c.1330-40, Louvre LP16. This work has its own page.
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falconing: brooch, gold/enamel/sapphire/pearl, early 15th c., KGM F 1364. For other views see Berlin.
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Lamech kills Cain while hunting, stained glass window: Goro di Bartolomeo, Leonardo di Bartolomeo, Bartolommeo d'Andrea Bocchi 1453-54, Pisa cathedral, which has its own pages
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Hunting horn assoc. Henry IV of Navarre/France, ivory, France late 16th-early 17th c., Belgrade MAA 541. For other views see Belgrade MAA.
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Diana the hunter, ostrich egg cup with cover, Johannes Lencker (1573-1637), Augsburg 1620-25, MAAB
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Diana the hunter, ostrich egg cup with cover, Johannes Lencker (1573-1637), Augsburg 1620-25, MAAB
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ostrich egg cup with cover, Johannes Lencker (1573-1637), Augsburg 1620-25, MAAB
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hunting: Engraved musket powder horn, cow, ox, or buffalo horn, 18th c. US, UMMA 2007/1.101. This work has its own page.
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hunting: gold glass tumbler, Bohemia c.1730, CMA 1946.458
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hunting: Diana weather vane, copper sheets, Augustus Saint-Gaudens 1892-94, PMA 1932-30-1
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hunting: Diana weather vane, copper sheets, Augustus Saint-Gaudens 1892-94, PMA 1932-30-1
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hunting: Diana weather vane, copper sheets, Augustus Saint-Gaudens 1892-94, PMA 1932-30-1