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Last updated October 22, 2024
Historical Archive: Cameos through the 11th century
Etruscan carnelian scarab, late 4th-3rd c. BCE, in ?13th c. gold seal matrix, HNM K.16.1871.7, which has its own page with centaur intaglio reverse
Gonzaga cameo, agate: 2 rulers, 3rd c. BCE or 1st c. BCE/CE, Hermitage ГP-19076, which has its own page
Vienna Gonzaga cameo: Ptolemy II Philadelphus and Arsinoë II, agate, 278-69 BCE, setting with enamel 1575-1600, KHM IXa 81
Leda and the Swan, agate cameo, 1st c. BCE Alexandria, in later gold mount ГP-12692
Roman gems on Ste. Foi reliquary, Conques, which has its own page
Roman cameos on composite by Luigi Valadier 1785, Louvre MR 46, which has its own page
Augustus, agate cameo, soon aft. 20 BCE: Lothar cross, c.985, AachenCT. The cross has its own page
Nereid riding hippocamp, sardonyx cameo, 1st c., Florence MA 14466
Medici cameo: emperor (Claudius Gothicus or Antoninus Pius?) with genius, sacrificing poss. to Hope, 1st-3rd c., sardonyx cameo in gilded metal, Florence MA 14443. This work has its own page.
Augustus cameo 1st c., on composite Luigi Valadier 1785, Louvre MR 46, which has its own page
Gemma Augustea, banded agate cameo, 9/10-12 CE, KHM ANSA IXa 79. This work has its own page.
Augustus (d. 14 CE) from Marlborough Collection, banded agate cameo, RGM 70.3
Augustus (d. 14 CE) wearing the aegis of Minerva, with medieval diadem, 14-20 CE, banded agate cameo, BM 1867/5-7/484
agate cameo of Emperor Tiberius, 14-37 CE; frame France or Italy, early 16th c.: gold, enamel, pearl. AIC 1992.297
Germanicus? (d. 19 CE) glass cameo prob. 1st c. CE, in Roman period bound pendant from Zethlingen, MVFg. This work has its own page.
Germanicus? (d. 19 CE) with 3 children, phalera, molded glass cameo in metalwork mount, 1st c., HMP
cameo empress, banded agate, 1st half of 1st c. CE, recut into an emperor, poss. in 11th c., on Enger cross c.1100, KGM 88,635. The cross has its own page.
Jupiter with eagle (Camée de Chartres), c.25-50 CE sardonyx cameo in enameled gold 14th-c. mount reworked 1793, CdM Chab. 4
Jupiter with eagle (Camée de Chartres), c.25-50 CE sardonyx cameo in enameled gold 14th-c. mount reworked 1793, CdM Chab. 4
Emperor Claudius as Jupiter, agate cameo 41-54 CE; frame Italy, late 16th c.:gold, pearls, enamel. AIC 1991.375. For profile see AIC.
Caracalla, onyx cameo, 3rd c., Hermitage ГP-12732
Hercules urinating, 3rd or late 15th c., sardonyx cameo, Florence MA 14612
Valerian (253-60) captured by Shapur I (241-72), Sassanian sardonyx cameo, c. 260 CE, CdM Babelon 360
Medusa, jet, late 3rd c., KHM XI 1309, which has its own page
Angels with cross (‘laus crucis’), banded agate, Byzantine 6th or 7th c., DO 47.21
Angels with cross, inscription, banded agate, Byzantine 6th or 7th c., DO 47.21
Cup of Chosroes. Gold, rock crystal, red and green glass, Sassanian, 531-579. CdM Chab. 2538. This work has its own page.
agate cameo bird in gold oval fibula, 7th c. Italy?, DO 37.26
chalice and doves, agate cameo, Italy 7th c.?, or Byzantine?, DO 48.19. For other views see DO.
glass cameo from Whitby monastery, late 7th-9th c. (Insular or Continental), on loan to BM from Strickland collection
Christ blessing, sapphire, late 8th c. (early Carolingian), Cologne Cathedral, Shrine of the Three Kings
Christ blessing, sapphire, late 8th c. (early Carolingian), Cologne Cathedral, Shrine of the Three Kings
double sided cameo, Byzantine jasper, made for Leo VI (886-912), V&A A.21-1932. This work has its own page.
Crucifixion, jasper, Byzantine c.900, V&A A.77-1937
Crucifixion, John, jasper, Byzantine c.900, V&A A.77-1937
Crucifixion, John, jasper, Byzantine c.900, V&A A.77-1937
crystal cameo lion, 11th c.?, Halberstadt, cathedral treasury 46
reliquary tablet, 11th c?, Halberstadt, cathedral treasury 46
Virgin Orant, hematite or jasper, Byzantine early 11th c.?, DO 40.70. For other views see DO.
Anastasis, jasper or haematite, 11th-12th c., MSHM GIM 53151/73, OK 10965 (269), MSHM