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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
January 31, 2024

Historical Archive: Hildesheim Cathedral, North Paradise
north end of north transept, Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary

Chapel of Canon Lipold von Steinberg (c. 1325-1415), c.1405, expanded 1412
original structure and painting, not destroyed by bombs
sculpture: Meerbeck carver c.1525-1530
formerly in the private chapel of the episcopal residence
hardwood, restored and polychromed 1970

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North Paradise from north/northeast, with chapel of All Saints on east side
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vestibule of Paradise
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vestibule with entry to Paradise
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vestibule with view into Paradise
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Paradise from vestibule
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Paradise with view into vestibule
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Paradise west wall
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Paradise west wall, upper part: saints
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Paradise south wall, upper part: saints
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Paradise south wall: Charlemagne or Louis the Pious?
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Paradise south wall: St. Cosmas
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Paradise south wall: St. Damian
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Paradise keystone, Steinberg arms: goat
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Paradise east wall with altar
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Meerbeck carver sculpture
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Christ before Pontius Pilate
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Christ before Pontius Pilate, oblique from right
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Christ before Pontius Pilate, oblique from left
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Christ carrying the cross; Veronica
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Christ carrying the cross
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Crucifixion: Christ
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Crucifixion: John, Mary
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Crucifixion: Mary Magdalene?
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Crucifixion: rider
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Crucifixion: Mocking
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Crucifixion: rider in background (St. Paul?)
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Entombment: Nicodemus (or Joseph of Arimathea)
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Entombment: Mary, Joseph of Arimathea (or Nicodemus)
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Entombment: Nicodemus (?), Mary, Joseph of Arimathea (?)
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Entombment, oblique view
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St. Bernward, Ferdinand Hartzer 1893, seen from vestibule of North Paradise