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Genevra Kornbluth.
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Last updated
February 9, 2024

Historical Archive: St. Michael's, Hildesheim
This page starts at the main entry on the south, rather than beginning with the standard view from a western portal.

1010-1022 under Bishop Bernward (reg. 993-1022, canonized 1193)
church consecrated 1022, newly completed parts consecrated 1036 and 1033
fire, reconsecration 1186 by Bishop Adelog
apse window level added, sanctuary platform extended into crossing, oak ceiling painted 1200-50
secularized 1803, liturgical use reinstituted 1855-57
Beatitudes: bands formerly with texts from Matt 5:3-10, Hildesheim city Nr. 44(+) on DIO;
polychromy Georg Bergmann 1855-57, restored 1907-10, heads remade after 1945.
bombed 22 March 1945, rebuilt, reconsecrated 1960
Because the entire structure was rebuilt after 1945, previous restorations are not noted here.
extensive renovation 2005-10

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south aisle arcade to north
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northwestern transept arm to northwest, from nave
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northwestern transept arm from southwestern arm
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northwestern transept arm to northeast, from raised chancel
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northwestern transept arm, north arcade and galleries
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northwestern transept arm to south, with stucco choir screen c.1193: Benedict, James the Greater, Peter, Virgin/Child, Paul, John the Evangelist, Bernward
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stucco choir screen, oblique
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northwestern transept arm with entry to crypt
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northwestern transept arm to northwest
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gallery level, northwestern transept arm to northwest
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western crossing from northwestern transept arm
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western crossing from northwestern transept arm, to southwest
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southwest pier of western crossing and south aisle, to northeast
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western crossing with Gerald Woehl organ, 1999
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1186 capital with creation of Eve
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Christ enthroned: 1186 capital with creation of Eve
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column base, western crossing
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column base and arcade
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nave to northeast, from raised western crossing
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nave to east/southeast, with people for scale
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nave to east
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nave to east, from lower viewpoint
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nave ceiling Tree of Jesse, which has its own page
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north aisle to southeast
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north aisle to east
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south aisle to east
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south aisle to northeast with 1186 Beatitudes; cubic capitals after 1945
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stucco on arch soffits before 1186
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St. Patientia (patience, endurance), oblique; crown added later
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St. Patientia, frontal
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Beati Misericordes, Blessed are the Merciful
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St. Pax (peace); stucco on arch soffits before 1186
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1186 foliate capital
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Beati Pacifici, Blessed are the Peace-makers; stucco on arch soffits before 1186
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1186 foliate and mask capitals
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south aisle to west, from southeastern transept arm
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south aisle to northwest, from southeastern transept arm
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south aisle, nave, eastern crossing to northwest
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eastern crossing and northeast transept arm, to north/northwest
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eastern crossing and northeast transept arm, to north
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eastern crossing and southeast transept arm, to south
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nave to southwest
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nave to west/southwest
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north aisle to northwest
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western apse
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western apse with Bernward effigy, altarpiece
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oak altarpiece, 1500-25, western apse: SS Barbara, James the Greater; John the Evangelist, Virgin and Child, John the Baptist; SS Andrew, Elizabeth of Hungary
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effigy of Bishop Bernward, under Abbot Heinrich Westerhausen 1298-1354, profile from right
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Bernward effigy, upper part profile from right
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Bernward effigy, oblique from lower left
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Bernward effigy, upper part, oblique from lower left; crozier top restored
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1010 sandstone foundation stone of Bernward; text Hildesheim city Nr. 6 on DIO
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Bernward foundation stone with record of 1908 discovery, southwest transept