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Last updated August 20, 2024
Historical Archive: Egyptian mythology
baboon amulet (sacred to Thoth), gold, Egypt c.2800 BCE, p.c., which has its own page
Osiris and inscription from Abydos or Thebes, limestone, New Kingdom later 18th dynasty (c.1550-1295 BCE), KM 1971.02.0191
Aton/Aten, sun god: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, 3 daughters, limestone, c.1345 BCE, SMB EgMP ÄM 14145, which has its own page
Osiris as vegetable god in coffin, wood and grain, Egypt 19th-20th dynasty, 1295-1069 BCE, Florence MA. This work has its own page.
Selket, protector of the dead, bronze, 1st millennium BCE Egypt, Pushkin
miniature Ptah, stone, 26th dynasty Saite period 685-525 BCE, KM 1971.02.0149
miniature Ptah, stone, 26th dynasty Saite period 685-525 BCE, KM 1971.02.0149
seal matrix or stamp with crocodile god, bone, from Soknopaiou (Dime, Egypt), prob. Roman period, KM 0000.02.1767
seal matrix or stamp with crocodile god, bone, from Soknopaiou (Dime, Egypt), prob. Roman period, KM 0000.02.1767
Egyptian gods, unfinished chalcedony quader intaglio, Hellenistic, prob. 2nd c. BCE, AS 2009,6. This object has its own page.
Anubis from his front/right, from Villa Pamphili at Anzio, Parian marble, 1st-2nd c., Vat 22840. This work has its own page.
Osiris corn mummy, earth/cereals/linen/wood/wax/gold, 1st-2nd c. CE, Bologna EG/KS 342, which has its own page
Lion-headed snake (Chnoubis), chalcedony intaglio, 1st-6th c., BM G173
Lion-headed snake with 7 eggs, serpentine intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26118, Bonner 91
reverse of lion-headed snake, serpentine intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26118, Bonner 91
Lion-headed god, steatite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 63.4.8, Bonner 99
Cock-headed anguipede, jasper intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26054, Bonner 172
Eagle-headed god, reverse of anguipede, jasper intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26054, Bonner 172
Crowned ibis, hematite intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26064, Bonner 47
Isis and Horus, jasper intaglio, 1st-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 31
Osiris as mummy with goddesses, jasper intaglio set in gold, 1st-6th c., Taubman, Bonner 1
Rayed serpent with bee, jasper intaglio, 1st-6th c., Kelsey 26126, Bonner 93
Anubis, bronze, c.90-150, MNW 148140. For additional views see MNW.
Harpocrates, porphyry, 2nd c. Carthage, KM 0000.00.7023
Harpocrates, porphyry, 2nd c. Carthage, KM 0000.00.7023
Serapis from Karanis (Egypt), serpentine, 2nd c., KM 0000.00.8526
Abrasax, jasper intaglio, 3rd c., Fitzwilliam. This work has its own page.
Chnoubis and animals, jasper intaglio, 3rd c., Fitzwilliam. This work has its own page.
Ammon/Amun on helmet, Vienna Gonzaga cameo: Ptolemy II Philadelphus and Arsinoë II, agate, 278-69 BCE, setting with enamel 1575-1600, KHM IXa 81