west side with people for scale
full west side with altar
west side
west side from directly below (altar)
west side at slight south angle
west/south angle with chancel rail
west/south angle
full south side at slight west angle
south/east angle
full east side
full north side
north/west angle
Apostles with Faith, Hope, Charity, and Perseverence or Religion, west lower register
Apostles with Faith, Hope, Charity, and Perseverence or Religion, west lower register
Humility, SS. Mark, Paul, and Luke, and Peace or Poverty, south lower register
Apostles with Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude, east lower register
Chastity, SS. Stephen, Paul the Hermit, and Lawrence, and Obedience, north lower register
St. Thomas (Descendit ad infernos), west lower register
St. Bartholemew (tertia die resurrexit a mortuis) and Perseverence or Religion, west lower register
south/east lower register with Obedience and Prudence
Three-headed Prudence, east lower register
Three-headed Prudence, east lower register
Apostles with Prudence, Justice, Temperance, and Fortitude, east lower register
St. Matthew (Inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos) and Justice, east lower register
St. James Alphaeus/James the Less (Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam) and Temperance, east lower register
east/north lower register with Fortitude and Chastity
Fortitude holding map, east lower register
Chastity and St. Stephen, north lower register
Chastity holding a hare, north lower register
north/west lower register with Obedience and Faith
west center register with St. Augustine gisant
south center register
east center register with St. Augustine gisant
scholar (below) and one of the Quattro Santi Coronati (above) with bishops, west center register
scholar (below) and one of the Quattro Santi Coronati (above), west center register
scholar (below) and one of the Quattro Santi Coronati (above), west center register
scholar (below) and one of the Quattro Santi Coronati (above), west center register
scholar (below) and one of the Quattro Santi Coronati (above) with bishop, west center register
SS. Jerome and Gregory the Great, south center register
mendicant (below) and Pope (above) with bishops and acolyte, east center register
mendicant (below: Thomas Aquinas?) and Pope (above) with St. Augustine gisant and attendants, east center register
St. Ambrose and acolytes, center register
St. Ambrose and acolyte, center register
St. Anthony the Great or Simplicianus, center register
St. Jerome, center register
head of St. Augustine gisant and acolyte with scholar, center register
open book held by St. Augustine gisant, center register
Beatific vision, canopy underside: Archangel Raphael guides Tobias (with fish)
Beatific vision, canopy underside: prophet
Beatific vision, canopy underside: Archangel Michael with scales
Beatific vision, canopy underside: saint
Beatific vision, canopy underside: prophet, Habakkuk?
Beatific vision, canopy underside: Christ blessing
Beatific vision, canopy underside: Mary
west upper register and pinnacles
St. Augustine listening to St. Ambrose preach, west upper register
St. Simplicianus counseling St. Augustine and 'Tolle, Lege', west upper register
St. Augustine receiving a habit from St. Ambrose, west upper register
St. Simplicianus, west upper register
St. Ambrose, Alypius, Adeodatus, and St. Augustine, west upper register
St. Monica, west upper register
Second translation of St. Augustine, south upper register: daylight
Second translation of St. Augustine, south upper register: artificial light
Second translation of St. Augustine, south upper register
Voyage of King Liutprand, south upper register
Voyage of King Liutprand, south upper register
Funeral of St. Monica, east upper register
St. Augustine granting the Rule to the hermits, east upper register
St. Augustine debating Fortunatus the Manichaean, east upper register
Fortunatus the Manichaean, east upper register
St. Augustine teaching rhetoric, north upper register
St. Augustine frees Pavese prisoner, west pinnacle level
St. Augustine gives water to freed prisoner, west pinnacle level
St. Augustine cures a demoniac, west pinnacle level
west pinnacle level
St. Augustine redirects infirm pilgrims, south pinnacle level
healed pilgrims leave San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro, south pinnacle level
St. Augustine saying Compline, Augustine and devil with book of vices, east pinnacle level
St. Augustine and devil with book of vices, east pinnacle level
dying St. Augustine cures sick man, east pinnacle level
St. Augustine appearing to Cistercian prior, north pinnacle level